Woozle/Jenny/note/to do

From HypertWiki


  • Note #12 (Dec. 10, 1 page of writing, 1 back of page; is this all the pages? "I hate the Beatles")
  • Note #13 (Dec. 11, 3+ pages of writing, 6 pages total; "triumvirate")
  • Note #14 (Dec. 12, 1 outsize page; guests in bedrooms)
  • Note #15 (Dec. 17, 4 pages; God)
  • Note #16 (Dec. 21 & 30, 4 pages; recent deaths)


  • Note #17 (Jan. 5, 4 pages; belief, imagination)
  • Note #18 (Jan. 8 & 9, 2 pages of writing, 4 pages total; code and not much to say)
  • Note #19 (Jan. 16, 2 pages; logicalness, fear of ignorance)
  • Note #20 (Jan. 17, 5 pages; J's math history)
  • Note #21 (Feb. 2, 4 pages; Mr. Iscariot)
  • Note #22 (Feb. 3, 1 page; questions)
  • Note #23 (Feb. 5, 2 pages; J wants the security of the church because life is very hard)
  • Note #24 (Feb. 13, 4 pages; J enjoyed the homework session)
  • Note #25 (Feb. 13 & 14, 4 pages including crumpled note)
  • Note #26 (Feb. 16, 6 pages; the hug)
  • Note #27 (Feb. 17, 2+ pages; "when you go to the residence of a young man")
  • October: "Hard to Say" hits peak popularity on the radio; I find myself trying to figure out if it suggests any advice for me.
  • Note #107 (3 pages), dated November 2, received November 3 - no commentary yet
  • Note #113, dated November 21, received November 22, some comments written on 2017-10-20 but there will probably be more


  • Note #114, dated February 1, received February 2

I have this memory of being in England, being very depressed, walking past a radio that was playing "Waiting for a Girl Like You", and thinking that the nonverbal snippet that had just played really described the desolate way I felt. The memory is tagged as being post-unfriending, but then I'd have to have gone to England twice in a fairly short time, since I was there in late 1981 (see ELO concert ticket, and the famous "'How was England?' 'Smoll.'" dialogue). Maybe letters from Tigger will mention this 2nd trip? Wish I could find Ongoing Unsendable Letter to J...