
From HypertWiki


Nov. 1, 1980

Dear M.P.W.W.S.T.O.B.P.O.P.A.P.T.I.P.L.,

Yes you are slow, you still haven't figured out what M.O.T.C.P.S.A.O.I.G.O.W.T.T.W. means. Lessee, I once told you that Ann Simon is O.O.M.O.T.C.P.S.A.O.I.G.O.W.T.T.W.

Hmm. Should I tell him? Naw. O.K. I won't. But don't be hasty. You mean you think I should tell him? Oh go ahead.

Well I gave you a huge hint in my last letter. I want to grind this in (You are so ssslllooowww!)

I am a, Member Of The Crazy Person's Society And Other Informal Groups Of Weirdos Throughout The World. M.O.T.C.P.S.A.O.I.G.O.W.T.T.W. See? Boy don't you fell silly!

Both my parents just happened to "casually" ask if you had spent the night at Cindy's ("ha ha"). My mom said she thought that you were enjoying yourself with three girls — (I can't remember her exact words but it was something to the effect of) drooling over you. She thought it was quite amusing.

The earliest thing about you that has stuck in my memory was you dangling a banana peel in front of Matt Henry's face and saying "I am an angel of the Lord"

Does this reflect your personality?

[banana peel sketch]

Edward Gorry

[next page]


Today feels like a Sunday. Today at noon I went to church. All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation. [squiggle]

If I tell you what number your last

letter was will
Bye for now,
Yennifer Yall
P.S. Post Script?
P.P.S. Whatever
P.S.S. What about Naomi?
P.P.S.S. Roll up (on) roll on up ('cause the price is down)
P.P.P.S. This could go on all day!
