Woozle/Jenny/Dear Ghost-Jenny/2018/06/05

From HypertWiki

Dear Ghost-Jenny,

I came across this quote just minutes ago:

They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill, what never dies. Nor can Spirits ever be divided that love and live in the same Divine Principle; the Root and Record of their Friendship. If Absence be not death, neither is theirs. Death is but Crossing the World, as Friends do the Seas; They live in one another still. For they must needs be present, that love and live in that which is Omnipresent. In this Divine Glass, they see Face to Face; and their Converse is Free, as well as Pure. This is the Comfort of Friends, that though they may be said to Die, yet their Friendship and Society are, in the best Sense, ever present, because Immortal.

William_Penn, 1682

...and of course immediately thought of you.

It might be stretching the definition of "divine" a bit, but I always felt like we shared this deep sense of principle that transcended everything – including our ability to actively be friends. Maybe in some way it now transcends your ability to be alive.

I don't quite know if that's meaningful or not, but it's... something to think about. It reaches out to me.

I guess that's all for now.

