User:Woozle/archive/CV revision
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122 Pinecrest Rd. Durham, NC 27705 |
Nick Staddon |
919-402-9774 vox 206-338-5660 fax |
Areas of Expertise
- Programming:
- Overview: VB6/VBA (w/VSS), SQL (MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL), HTML, CGI, Linux, Perl, C++, Delphi / Object Pascal, CGI, ActiveX, Windows API
- Microsoft: Visual Basic 6.0, Jet / Access 8.0 (97), Visual SourceSafe, SQL Server 7 & 2000, DAO, ADO, COM
- Open platforms: HTML, CGI, Perl, Linux; familiar with KDE, Gnome, MySQL, MediaWiki 1.4-1.7
- phases of software development: requirement specification, design & documentation, coding, testing, deployment
- Multimedia
- audio: audio editing, multitrack audio recording/editing/mixing, digital effects composition, digital archiving, format conversion, usage of audio formats (WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC, WavPak...), music CD production/mixing
- General
- Explaining technical issues in audience-appropriate language
- 2003sep23 - present — Durham, NC: Cox-Staddon Enterprises, Inc. (CSE) dba (Owner):
- converted catalog display from mostly static pages (generated off-site) to mostly CGI-generated pages written in Perl
- began migration of all data to MySQL/Linux (still in early stages)
- deployed 5 installations of MediaWiki: HTYP, Issuepedia, vbzwiki (support site for, this site, and SquadWiki; maintained sites (including spam prevention, backups, and updgrades) and authored almost all content
- deployed 2 installations of Drupal
- for local client (a doctor's office) needing web site redesign: (a) deployed test installation of osCommerce; (b) investigating Drupal and possibly other content-management and shopping cart systems (work still in progress)
- 2003mar29 - 2003sep23 — mostly telecommute (from Durham): Carrier Transicold: Software Engineer
- Reason for leaving: top-level administration issued an order to discontinue all outside programming contracts, as in 2001
- 2001jun14 - 2003mar29 — Athens, GA and Durham, NC: CSE/vbz (Owner): improvements to search (Perl/CGI), static pages (HTML), and order management system (MS Access)
- 1998nov05 - 2001jun14 — Athens, GA: Carrier Transicold: Software Engineer, MIS Department
- Reason for leaving: top-level administration issued an order to discontinue all outside programming contracts as a cost-saving measure
- 1997aug - 1998oct19 — Appleton, WI: Pierce Mfg., Inc.: Software Engineer (early version of CommandZone)
- 1994apr - 1997aug — Athens, GA: CSE/vbz (Owner): Design/code (Perl) for shopping cart system; design/html for early versions of web site
- 1993oct - 1994apr — Athens, GA: UGA, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering: "Laboratory Assistant part-time", Windows 3.1 / DOS programmer [1]
- 1991oct - 1993oct — Athens, GA: The Athens Observer: graphic layout, also computer technician (mostly amateur)
- 1990jan - 1991sep — Durham, NC: Duke University Humanities Computing Facility: "Neural Network Computing Research Associate"
- 1985oct - 1989dec — Providence, RI: Brown University Department of Psychology: "Research Assistant" for Prof. Russell Church, mostly programming
- 1983 - 1985may — Durham, NC: Microglyphics, Inc.: "Customer Support Technician"
Work Projects
- Carrier Transicold:
- Co-designed/wrote shipping calendar application (VB6) (still in use as of 2003)
- Co-designed/co-wrote Windows (client) end (VB6) of system for exchanging data between mainframe (DEC PDP-11) business system and MS Access and SQL Server - a critical business system still in use as of 2003
- Co-designed/wrote application (VB6) for tracking product assembly as components travel down the various assembly lines
- Re-hired in 2003 to improve existing applications (VB6, MS SQL Server 2000) and assist with design of some new ones; also stood in for Ed for most of a week while he took a long-overdue vacation
- Designed/wrote store-item topic-assignment utility for in VB6
- I tend to learn new technologies best by using them; I learned the following on the job having had little or no prior exposure:
- Visual Basic 6 (Carrier; no prior experience)
- MS Access 97 (Carrier; no prior experience)
- Transact SQL (Carrier; no prior experience)
- C++ (Duke U.; no prior experience)
- Borland Pascal (Brown U.: I did take a course in Pascal in 1977, but it used punch cards and was not really applicable to Turbo/Borland Pascal)
- Fortran IV/77 (Brown U.; one class in the late 1970s, using punch-cards, otherwise no experience)
- I have been learning MySQL (similar to MS SQL Server) for use with some of my own projects.
- I learned HTML entirely on my own, and have used it heavily since 1996.
- I learned CSS entirely on my own, and use it frequently.
available on request