From HypertWiki

Decided this would be the best place to archive the Best of Benjamin Quotes. Easier to do by date & access & stuffnthings. Right. Onwards!
For context, Benjamin was born in April of 1999
(Quotes that are Highlighted have been used as my LJ Headline)
- May 23, 2003:
- "I'm not smiling because my face is not cooperating"
- October 21, 2003:
- "Woozle, we don't put fire in we're mouth!"
- (and no, i have no memory of what precipitated this remark; Woozle says he said something to me {he can't remember what} and apparently Benjamin interpreted it to mean something like having fire in one's mouth...)
- October 24, 2003:
- "I am not a silly boy, I am a crying boy and I need a hug"
- ...said when i was giving him a hug & telling him he was silly because 'cause he was crying over something that silly me thought was silly
- January 1, 2004:
- Benjamin comes trotting into the office & says to me, "You have to be happy mommy.. here, I will kiss you on the elbow and that will make you happy" and then does so.
- May 2, 2004:
- In reference to the window that was leaking water during the wee thunderstorm & deluge we had.. this was after it was over:
- "Nothing is coming through by there!"
- Also, just before that when the sun sorta came back out he said:
- "The thunderstorm is gone! Now the thunderstorm makes it back morning!
- We can't touch the thunderstorm. It makes us scared."
- (and yes, that was said all in the same breath)
- May 3, 2004:
- Re: Balloons gradually shrinking due to loss of air:
- "These balloons are getting aired off"
- May 6, 2004:
- On the way to daycare this morning, in the middle of his usual free associating, he came out with this:
- "When I was your age, Woozle." (pause) then (after some prompting) "I was like your age."
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
- May 7, 2004:
- "If you drink water you might grow down like a baby"
- May 23, 2004:
- During the thunderstorms, Benjamin was heard to say something along these lines (in reference to our house):
- The house is afraid. But the house doesn't have legs to stand up with. The house can't run away.
- (No quotes 'cause i'm doing this one from memory & i am kinda paraphrasing from a half asleep state)
- May 27, 2004:
- That morning from the bathroom, I overheard this being said by Benjamin:
- "My shadow is eeeeviiil"
- (I fell off the toilet laughing)
- May 29, 2004:
- Today whilst Woozle was installing the tow-hitch thingy to the Windstar (so's we can haul some or all of his stuff from Georgia next week) the following conversation ensued:
- B: What are you doing, Woozle?
- W: Installing a trailer-hitch...
- B: A trail-hinge?
- W: we can bring back a whole bunch of stuff from Georgia
- B: Georgia? You mean George the monkey?
- (as in Curious George, i guess!)
- May 30, 2004:
- It was raining this morning and B wanted to go out in it... he likes to do that.. pull on his boots & get his umbrella and walk in the rain a la Christopher Robin (and yes, he does have black wellies just like CR's ^_^) and so he does....
- ...a few minutes later he comes in & announces that he had to come back in because...
- "The rain is broken."
- (it had stopped raining!)
- It was raining this morning and B wanted to go out in it... he likes to do that.. pull on his boots & get his umbrella and walk in the rain a la Christopher Robin (and yes, he does have black wellies just like CR's ^_^) and so he does....
- June 6, 2004:
- This first part is sort of paraphrased 'cause I don't remember exactickly what was said, but the punchline is word for word!
- B: I'm not feeling well
- M: Oh? What's the matter?
- B: My feelings are empty
- (he was hungry & wanted lunch!)
- June 10, 2004:
- I did a :P at B in the car on the way home from picking him up & he responded with:
- "Don't stick out your tongue when you are dead!"
- I fell over laughing... good thing Woozle was driving!
- June 12, 2004:
- Whilst sitting on my lap:
- "I'm getting all heavy on you"
- June 15, 2004:
- In reference to the clouds breaking up & the sun coming out, he said:
- "The clouds are melting! All of everything is melting!!"
- June 25, 2004:
- "It's almost starting to done."
- September 5, 2004:
- "I'm going around like an American-Going-Round" (Merry-Go-Round)
- September 20, 2004:
- This morning upon looking into our front-loader washing machine as it was running, he said:
- "Oh no! The Soap died!! He drunk too many waters so he *died*!"
- [fx of me scrambling for pen & paper to write it down!]
- Later...
- "The thunderstorm fired all the trees"
- October 9, 2004:
- Benjamin started my morning out thusly:
- I get up & go to the bathroom. Upon leaving the bathroom, Benjamin greets me with this little ditty:
- (Sung to the tune of Here We Go Around The Mulberry Bush)
- This is the way we kill the moms,
- Kill the moms, kill the moms;
- This is the way we kill the moms, kill them all to death!
- (I should note the next verse was "this is the way we kill the dads" so I guess it was nothing personal! ;D)
- Sometime in 2004 (probably June):
- "Mommy? I was making up a story. I was making up a 'Let's go riding in the CarCar story.' And that's all"
- March 11, 2005:
- This'un is only paraphrased rather than directly quoted 'cause, golly, it happened at 6:20 in the freakin' morning!
- Upon seeing what the tooth fairy brought for the first tooth he lost, he uttered:
- "I have a dollar & now I can get money with it!"
- March 16, 2005:
- So Benjamin lost another tooth & put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy & this morning when he retrieved the dollar he got, this is what he said:
- "I got another dollar!! And it's got George Washington! And he's *STILL* dead!!!"
- September 13, 2005:
- "People who have too much poop in their butts throw up"
- October 15, 2005:
- "Pip isn't a real human. He's a cat"
- October 19, 2005:
- Benjamin comes up to me & says:
- "I have to whisper something in your ear"
- and I say, "okay" & he whispers (very solemnly),
- "Life Goes On"
- November 23, 2005:
- Re: The Pumpkin Bread baking in the oven:
- "It's drying up & raising right now"
- November 23, 2005:
- Hands me the yarn winder after playing with it so much that it came off the chair arm it was attached to:
- " put it somewhere I can't reach it to spin it"
- December 2, 2005:
- Wanders into the office and says:
- "The smell of the lambchop is giving me happy company!"
- ...and then wanders back out again...
- December 3, 2005:
- Both he & Zander were hanging off the back of the couch and the following was quoth:
- "B&Z: A giant cockroach! that we can kill!"
- "B: with our cockroach torture machine!"
- same day, different time:
- "you make us die of laugh!"
- Both he & Zander were hanging off the back of the couch and the following was quoth:
- December 20, 2005:
- After being told something a second time, he said he knew because:
- "...early ago you told me."
- December 25, 2005
- "It's fun climbing on top of your mom's friend. Who is strong, and sometimes tired." (Referring to climbing on Woozle's shoulders and being carried around)
- December 31, 2005
- "The nice thing about water is that you don't have to chew it"
- January 1, 2006
- After showing us a picture he made "of Watership Down" which largely consisted of snails, cars, and "POLICE - 911" signs, which he had done in Tuxpaint, he uttered this:
- "Next I'm going to do a picture of *not* Watership Down! I'm going to do a picture of the field covered with *blood*, and making everyfing *die*!"
- January 24, 2006
- Whilst swinging furiously on the swingset:
- "I'm getting really better at swinging! Soon I won't need anyone to push me anymore!"
- February 24, 2006 6:39pm
- After smelling daffodils with me:
- "Daffodils have good effects on your evilness. It hurts your evilness."
- February 26, 2006 (sometime before 7:49am; just not sure when)
- "One nice thing about crayon sharpeners; They can make the paper come back on"
- February 26, 2006 7:49am
- Whilst doing crayon-art:
- "I'm always thinking of pretty colors. Like brown."
- (he had just pulled out a brown crayon)
- March 6, 2006 6:27pm
- "When I'm growned up & have my own computer, I'm going to put Dr. Who on it"
- (Said as we were about to watch Dr. Who on W's computer)
- March 26, 2006
- Right after Bedtime Story, he said:
- "I have to say something to you... Mommy, I like how you smell..."
- *sniffs* "You smell like good-looking girl."
- April 6, 2006
- "You made me nearly [knock over the laptop] and nearly make this house burn down because lesstricity wif wood makes fire! So you nearly made this house burn down!"
- April 20, 2006
- "The more we don't get fresh air, the more we won't be able to breathe right"
- May 9, 2006
- "That took a little bit of a long time."
- May 11, 2006, Woozle's Birthday!
- During an amusing conversation about how old Woozle is today, Benjamin uttered:
- "You have to be somewhere around Not Old"
- July 19, 2006
- "Where they were is where they're not anymore!" – in reference to Kevin's parents at the end of Time Bandits
- July 22, 2006 10:53am
- It's a good thing Mel can't be melted by fire."
- August 4, 2006
- After receiving a thingy that Anna Nikola made & gave to him:
- "This is like a present except it isn't my birthday or Christmas or anything!"
- -- (as told to me by Anna Nikola)
- October 1, 2006
- Overhead from the living room as B&Z are playing video games. He admits it!
- Z: Are you mad?
- B (cackling furiously): I'm a Mad Man!
- October 7, 2006
- Whilst recording his own creation on the Yahama Keyboard:
- "I filled up the *whole* recordment!"
- ...and then moments later, whilst doing a "story":
- "Terristis are here!" (say it out loud)
- October 8, 2006
- After seeing me for the first time after Woozle had trimmed my bangs:
- "You look more wide awake than wide asleep. Your eyes are wide open."
- October 27, 2006
- "If there's thunder and the power goes out, we won't be able to do stuff...
- Unless the power comes back on."
- January 11, 2007
- Whilst picking up his dirty clothes from the floor:
- "All this clothing is under-arrested for stealing the floor!"
- January 25, 2007
- He gets in the car from school with a balloon that has a face drawn on it... and on the way home, he explains:
- "Mr. Balloon doesn't need to eat or drink but he can die of Being Popped"
- And
- "He'll never get old even though he's an adult still"
- February 18, 2007
B: | momomomomom! |
Me: | BenBenBen! |
B: | I love you! |
Me: | I love you too! |
B: | Whenever I say "I love you" to someone, invisible hearts appear over my head |
- February 22, 2007
- "There's, like, infinity in the whole wide world"
- In reference to the lowly earthworm's domain & possibly their perceptions of it.
- March 1, 2007
- "We Humans can get sick... ...Sometimes Humans die of being sick."
- April 3, 2007
- "Everywhere we look... there's a Noun. Nothing can prevent there being a Noun... Because if all the nouns were destroyed, we would have a Noun: Nothing."
- May 23, 2007
- To a new babysitter:
- "I'm the crazy one that usually falls down."
- July 28, 2007 at 12:27pm
- As he was waving goodbye to me after being dropped off with his dad:
- "See you sometime else!"
- September 09, 2007 at 12:17pm
- He was requesting a movie to watch & I mentioned that I was thinking of playing a movie for Josh but that I didn't think he'd be interested in one of those and he responded with,
- "I prefer watching violence."
- November 13, 2007 at 6:06pm
- Whilst making scrambledy eggs for Benjamin (he helpt! ^_^) the following interchange occurred:
B: | Wow, you've got a lot of experience with making scrambled eggs! |
Me: | Well, i have been making them for nigh on 30 years now. |
B: | (with appropriate amazed look on his face) You're older than Thirty? |
Me: | i am older than thirty. |
B: | Coooooool. |
- January 8, 2008
- Randomly:
- "The weed wacker Prevails"
- May 2, 2008
- Bouncing about at 6:30am:
- "I'm Enerjective this morning!"
- Sept ?, 2008
- "Zander would have had a heart attack of joy [ see so many chickens at Spence's Farm]!"
- December 23, 2008
- At Sarah's House of Clay Camp:
- "Like me, Zander has acts of kindness in him; mine are just more random."
- February 12, 2009
- "You have to get used to the days you are in"
- March 7, 2009
- "Zander -- if you find any gerbils named Godzilla, don't let them *anywhere* near our five-dollar bills."
- May 31, 2009
- Z: If Pip were poingy, you'd know he was sick
- B: Either that or Pip & Kestra's brains got switched!
- September 4, 2009
- Whilst running around in the living room "doing a story (with Z)":
- "Where is everything?? I can't pick my nose!"
- September 19, 2009
- "The more the merrier except when it comes to babies"
- September 29, 2009
- "My eyeballs recognize this place by heart"
- October 3, 2009
- "Compassion is a very good source of happiness"
- June 21, 2010
- "I'm glad mom doesn't look her age"
- And then:
- "I really had no idea how old you were... I thought you were in your 20's!"
- November 28, 2010
- To Zander whilst Z was playing Minecraft
- "You react to cows like Old People react to kids on their lawn!"
- March 26, 2011
- Whilst downstairs making me scrambled eggs & bacon:
- "Mom is helping me make breakfast by wanting it"
- Also (as best remembered by W):
- "If you don't like to see people smile, you may be needing to see a psychiatrist."
- May 1, 2011
- And now for the latest and possibly misunderstood overheard from the other room Benjy Quote:
- "Speaking of the dogboy[1], here come the Romans!"
- October 2, 2011
- Possibly responding to a notification/alarm on his computer:
- "Get out of my face, Ubuntu -- you're making me die!"
- February 16, 2012
- "My name is Benjamin Smith.
- You Annoy Me.
- Prepare to Die"
- March 23, 2012
- After eating dinner:
- "I appear to have made a mess of myself"
2015-01-19 "'I'm almost out of volcanoes,' said a sleep-deprived Benjamin after finding out that he was nearly out of lava droplets." – Benjamin
2015-02-06 "The pomegranates are reproducing! asexually... as ghosts."
2015-04-27 "We're supposed to be getting ready to go and not talking about vampire boners."
- October 10, 2015
- Whilst Minecrafting
- '"I have aquired[sic] a wellspring of ability to sleep"
- March 2, 2016
- Upon seeing a pangolin
- 'It's a freaking sloth in armor plating!'

As documented by Benjamin and Zander:
- "It's been a while since we last did RWBY crack after ten." — Benjamin, June 20th, after 10
- "I only ever do RWBY Heroin." — Zander, June 20th, after after 10
- July 16
- Re: Boss in Monster Den
- "Damn them for being as smart as me!"
- November 4, at about 5pm
- "God, Pip, you make a horrible machine-gun." (B helped me remember the quote later.)
- Some Time in 2017:
- From a box top:
- "I'm not the best at Logic even if I'm really good at it"
- "Pip makes a good pillow until he starts thrashing." — January 14, 3:30pm:
- May 20, 2018
- from Discord at 8:45ish pm
- '* first come first serve on predicting when I die — May 20, 8:45pm
- August 6, 2018
- "Now if we could just find another duo-syllabic word that starts with "P" and it fits, that would be perfect."
- ~Realization~
- "Oh shit."
- Some time around November 15, 2018
- Whilst playing RWBY: Amity Arena
- "Here come the scorpions" *giggles*
- Whilst playing RWBY: Amity Arena
- February 10, 2019
- from Discord at 7:30ish
- "God, why does it have to be a hundred thousand puppies? Why can't it be something reasonable, like ten thousand?"
- from Discord at 7:30ish
- September 14, 2019
- During a water outage, B donned rubber gloves so to make clean-up post handling bacon & eggs easier... the process was more difficult than anticipated and along the way, he uttered this:
- "I can fart through latex!"
- During a water outage, B donned rubber gloves so to make clean-up post handling bacon & eggs easier... the process was more difficult than anticipated and along the way, he uttered this:
- January 1, 2021
- at 3:20ish AM
- "Well, I can get rid of two zeroe's[sic] really easy. Chop-chop, there they go. On the floor.
- at 3:20ish AM
- July 26, 2021
- "I don't know how I feel about role-playing lesbians with my brother"
- May 31, 10:36 AM - from the living room:
- "No-one cares. We're here for the gay."
- June 21
- Draconic Noble — 03/08/2023 10:13 PM:
- One day, I will face the Worm alone
- ...
- and on that day I shall say "EAT LEAD, DoG!"
- Draconic Noble — Today at 5:33 PM:
- Today is the day...
- (He then did indeed proceed to shout this loudly in a gutteral voice.)
- Draconic Noble — 03/08/2023 10:13 PM:
- June 23 12:48pm
- "You might as well build it with swords -- we know you can't do it with yo-yos!"