Interwiki table log

From HypertWiki

This is a log of changes to the interwiki table.

  • 01:21, 9 November 2022 Woozle talk contribs modified prefix "mew" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) in the interwiki table (DWIM)
  • 01:17, 9 November 2022 Woozle talk contribs added prefix "mew" ({{{1}}}) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table (TootCat MeW)
  • 13:11, 20 June 2021 Woozle talk contribs modified prefix "woozalia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) in the interwiki table (URL has changed)
  • 23:28, 7 December 2019 Woozle talk contribs added prefix "wooz" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table (
  • 22:04, 2 January 2016 Woozle talk contribs modified prefix "woozalia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) in the interwiki table
  • 17:52, 21 November 2013 Woozle talk contribs modified prefix "VbzWiki" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) in the interwiki table
  • 14:26, 8 September 2013 Woozle talk contribs added prefix "igov" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table (InstaGov)
  • 18:36, 11 October 2009 (Added "species" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: WikiSpecies)
  • 23:34, 19 July 2009 (Added "tmbw" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: This Might Be a Wiki)
  • 14:12, 21 June 2009 (Added "issuepedia" ($1) (local: 1) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: a woozle project)
  • 14:11, 21 June 2009 (Removed prefix "Issuepedia" from the interwiki table: re-adding as transcludable)
  • 15:24, 12 May 2009 (Added "youtube" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: video links)
  • 17:20, 26 April 2009 (Added "htcom" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: new hypertwins commercial site)
  • 20:47, 15 April 2009 (Added "public" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: where large public files are kept)
  • 20:46, 15 April 2009 (Removed prefix "file" from the interwiki table: will cause conflict with file: namespace)
  • 20:46, 15 April 2009 (Added "file" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: where large public files are kept)
  • 20:44, 15 April 2009 (Removed prefix "forum" from the interwiki table: discontinued the forum months ago)
  • 01:44, 21 August 2008 (Added "googlemaps" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: Google Maps)
  • 01:44, 21 August 2008 (Removed prefix "googlemaps" from the interwiki table: forgot the $1)
  • 01:43, 21 August 2008 (Added "googlemaps" ( (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: Google Maps; is blocked by the spam filter)
  • 21:44, 20 August 2008 (Added "googlebooks" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: Google Books)
  • 21:34, 20 August 2008 (Added "mwsite" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: MediaWiki reference site)
  • 21:33, 20 August 2008 (Added "metawm" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: WikiMedia Meta-Wiki)
  • 22:05, 13 May 2008 (Added "forum" ($1) (local: 1) (trans: 1) to the interwiki table: AWC forum - no other apparent way to link nicely)
  • 00:58, 22 April 2008 (Added "googlevideo" ($1) (local: 0) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: Google Video)
  • 00:07, 23 February 2008 (Added "woozalia" ($1) (local: 1) (trans: 0) to the interwiki table: moving many things to Woozalia wiki)