Snow March 2009
From HypertWiki
Click on the thumbnails for a larger image!
Overhead shot of the Old Dogwood
Mulberry tree
Overhead shot of Redbud
Looking down on the crossing of the front walks
Magnolia & Big Old Oak from across the street
Left "branch" of Redbud tree near driveway
Top of Mulberry tree and big ol' Pine tree
Can you guess what this is?
Or this?
Old Dogwood Tree
More Dogwood Tree
Redbud & Old Dogwood Tree from below
Daffydillys in the Snow
Out by the backdoor
Bird Condos
Close up of one of the Bird Condos
Big Old Oak Tree again
Benjamin & Zander's Snow"man"
B&Z's Snow"man" & "Thing"
B&Z's Snow"man" & "Thing"
Another angle of Snow"man" & "Thing"