Red Flowers
I bought bulbs for this flower years ago and have completely forgotten what they are called. If anyone recognizes them, please let me know!
I can't remember how many I originally planted, but I do know as of last year (2006), there were only 2 remaining owing to the squirrels digging the bulbs up & "replanting" them elsewhere. One sprung up in the backyard & a couple more in the front yard of a neighbor's house!
This year (2007), however, I received a pleasant surprise after the long summer drought (which of this writing hasn't ended yet, only the "summer" part), we received one nice rainfall & the temperatures dropped. The very next morning, as if they had popped up overnight, there were SIX of them!
These pictures were taken on Day 2 & Day 3 after I first noticed them.
--Harena 21:39, 22 September 2007 (EDT)
Landscape Shots
Harena-foot left in for scale ;)
Closeup Shots