Other lip balm recipes

From HypertWiki

To: Sandy Hall Date: 7/17/97 Time: 09:27:28 Page 1 of 1

Hi again!

One pair of Med. Plastic pants, o well.

Packing, packing, shopping, laundry, packing. Leaving tomorrow lpm. Talk to you later.

Lip Balm:

  • 1/8+ Cup beeswax (total estimate) (45g for the dbl recipe)
  • 1/4 Cup almond oil (olive should work fine)
  • 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
  • 5 drops each vit. E and calendula

Heat oils and wax over double boiler (takes a long time), then add drops after removing from heat. Stir well and pour into container to cool.

Massage Ointment (ointment base for any medicine)

  • 1/8 Cup beeswax
  • 5 oz. Olive oil
  • 1 oz. Grapeseed oil (good massage oil, but expensive)
  • up to 3 full droppers full of tincture (arnica is what I made-no knowlege whether I really needed that much, but it works well)

Heat oils and wax over double boiler, let cool; stir in tincture. Think of the soothing (healing)effect this ointment will have while you're stirring for a couple whole minutes-it works better that way!

For the Xmas lip balm, replace the coconut oil with jojoba oil & avocado oil; add one capsule l-lysine for each dbl batch of the above recipe, and 1/2 tsp vit C

Subject:  SN hand lotion bars/lip balm
   From:  Soap List INTERNET:soap-newbies@esosoft.com
     To:  Chas Smith & Sandy Hall 74227,1602
   Date:  28-May-97 15:12

Elaya, the hand lotion bars recipes that you posted look alot like a recipe I have for lip balm. I am sure that they are harder (more bees wax). Any way here is that recipe , it is real simple.

If anyone has another LB recipe they would like to share, I would appreciate it.

  • #1 lip balm
  • oil (canola or jojoba)
  • beeswax
  • eso
  • (vit e oil or petroleum jelly may also be used)

Use equal parts oil and beeswax. First heat oil, add wax, and heat till melted, remove from heat, and add 2 drops of eso. Plus any optional ingredient (like 2 pills of vit E, or 1 tsp of pet jelly. Test thickness by dipping a spoon in and freezing for a min. If to thick, add more oil. If to thin, more wax.

pour into tubes or small jars.

  • Cocoa Butter Lip Balm
    • 2.5 oz. cocoa butter
    • 2.6 oz beeswax
    • 1.4 oz sweet almond oil
  • Honey Pot Lip Balm 2 tsp. olive oil
    • 1/2 tsp. beeswax
    • 1/2 tsp. cocoa butter
    • 1/2 tsp. honey
    • 3 drops essential oil of orange
  • 1 vitamin E capsule

Measure oil, beeswax and cocoa butter into a glass or enamel pan. Melt over low heat. A hotplate works well and reduces the risk of overheating the oils. I use a small glass jar to store my lip balm in so I just mix all the ingredients right in that jar then place it in a pan of water to melt the waxes. Stir the mixture often until the wax is melted. Remove from heat and stir in the honey and essential oil. Pinch open the vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents into the mixture. Stir well. Pour the mixture into containers. Label after it has solidified. If you want your honey to be dispersed throughout the lip balm you will need to stir it as it is solidifying.


Choose any essential oil that appeals to you. Tea Tree oil is good for cold sores and chapped lips. Make your lip balm using an herbal oil in place of the olive oil.

Melissa (lemon balm) and Calendula are two of many herbs that can add healing and soothing properties.

  • Castor oil Lip Balm
    • 1.5 cocoa butter
    • 1.5 beeswax
    • 3 oz castor oil

melt in micro add oil stir pour into containers

  • Lisa's Natural Lip Balm
    • 8 oz sweet almond oil
    • 11/2 oz beeswax
    • 2 t. honey
  • Jenny's Lip Balm
    • 21/2 oz. beeswax
    • 1 cup sweet almond oil
    • 1 to 2 tbsp honey
  • Candy's Lip Balm
    • 2 tsp beeswax
    • 1 tsp sweet almond oil
    • 11/2 tsp cocoa butter
    • 3 to 6 drops tea oil
    • 3 small drops of honey
    • 1 vit. E capsule
  • Desert Sands Lip Balm
    • 1 tsp sweet almond oil
    • 1 tsp cocoa butter
    • 1 tsp beeswax
    • 3 drops tea tree oil
    • 3 drops peppermint oil
  • Lip Balm
    • 1 oz shredded beeswax
    • 1 oz aloe vera oil
    • 1 lb jar petroleum jelly
    • 20 drops liquid vitamin E
    • 2 tablespoons witch hazel
    • 2 tablespoon dried herbs
    • (recommended are : leaves from comfrey, lavender, and bee balm & flowers from chamomile and calendula)
    • cheescloth

Heat jelly until softened add beeswax & herbs continue to melt. Strain herbs with cheesecloth. Stir in aloe, vit. E and witch hazel. Pour into containers

  • Lip Gloss
    • 2 tsp beeswax
    • 7 tsp castor oil or jojoba or sweet almond oil
    • 1 tsp honey
    • 5 drops of an essential oil such as lemon, peppermint, orange, lime, tangerine

Melt the oil and beeswax together in a little pan over low heat until the beeswax is melted.

Take off the stove and then add in your honey and whisk it all together.

When the mixture is nearly cool add in your essential oil, mix it up again and then pour into your lip balm container.

Since this comes out to be more like a gloss you can always add more beeswax to it so that it is a little harder. Maybe another 1/2 tsp would do it.