Mystery Baby Snake

From HypertWiki

Whilst watering the garden in a mad mad attempt to bypass the Great Drought of Aught-Seven, I happened to uncover this wee beastie. Not knowing what it was, I cleverly picked it up without using my hands & let it make the decision to climb upon my hand & that's when these pictures were taken.

Since it's a juvenile, I have no earthly idea what kind of snake it is. I've looked up copperhead, corn snake, rat snake, & grass snake, but in every one of the pictures I could find, the pattern had larger, more distinct spots. Plus, every one of those pictures had the snake much larger than this guy. He couldn't be more that 8-10 inches long... about the size of the Worm Snakes we commonly find around here.

If anyone can give any clues as to this guy's identity, feel free to edit all over this page! --Harena 15:11, 4 September 2007 (EDT)

EDIT: Through the Magical Internet Research done by The Amazing 2wwwwwwwwwwwww1(Kestra Agrees!)Rtizy, the mystery has been solved! He's a Brown Snake! Thanks Rtizy! ^_^ --Harena 09:06, 6 September 2007 (EDT)

What me? be able to walk away from a snake even though it might be poisonous? NEVER.
Snaaaaake, Ohhhh nooooo, Snaaaake snaaaaake!
Hand! Snake!

P.S. I set him free in my wee vegetable/herb garden box after we were done taking pictures; he seemed to like it there. ^_^

And then, the other day we went bicycling & when we opened the back of the van, all of a sudden, this snake fell out from W's bicycle! We know not whether this is the same snake as above, but if not, it certainly seems related!

Woozle wanted to let him go where the Tobacco Trail begins, but there's kinda a highway & downtown & stuffs there, so i was all, "Noooooo! we need to take it baaaack hoooome!" and so we got back in the car, drove back home so I could let it go in my garden like I had done previously.

Naturally, I had to take lots of pictures on the way. ^_^ --Harena 18:36, 19 September 2007 (EDT)

Now that I have the snake pictures up in the same place, I'm not convinced that they are the same species at all! Have a look & tell me what you think!

Side-by-Side Comparison: