Microwave Kettle Corn

From HypertWiki

You’ll Need:

1/3 cup plain, unpopped popcorn 1 – 2 tablespoons (approximately) coconut oil or other oil (my favorite is coconut oil) 2 – 3 tablespoons granulated sugar salt, to taste

1 paper lunch bag


1) If using coconut oil, make sure it’s in a liquidy form, but not terribly hot, which may mean to measure it it out and nuke it for a few seconds (microwaves vary, so use your best judgement). If you’re using regular vegetable oil, omit the microwaving step. Toss the unpopped popcorn in the oil with the sugar and transfer the mixture into the paper lunch bag.

2) Fold over the mouth of the lunch bag several times to seal it. Lay the bag on one side on top of a plate or paper towel (this is just a safety precaution to prevent a messy oil slick in your microwave, in case the bag fails for whatever reason), making sure the kernels are spread out somewhat inside.

3) Microwave on high 3 – 5 minutes (again, microwaves vary), much like you would any other microwave popocorn packet, until you hear long pauses between pops. You’ll eventually get the hang of this…I’ve always found there was a learning curve to microwave popcorn, commercially-made or otherwise.

4) Open bag carefully, sprinkle with a little bit of sea salt, and shake around to coat with all the gooey-salty goodness. Pour out into a bowl and enjoy!

Like other microwave popcorn packets, expect to see some unpopped kernels. Stay away from these…they’re just not good to eat, and can give you a pretty costly dental bill as a result of trying.

If you’re not so keen on the kettle corn thing, you can try sprinkling butter, parmasean cheese, garlic powder, or dry salad dressing mix on top to flavor it however way you’d like. It’s all good. Shabbat Shalom!

--Credit to: I Speak Food

See Discussion Tab for follow-up comments and notes --Harena (talk) 13:40, 24 February 2017 (EST)