
From HypertWiki

[Woozle writes]

Microglyphics was the computer store my mom founded and ran in the early 1980s. It started in our living room (in "the addition"), moved to the back downstairs room of a house on Chapel Hill Road, expanded to the front room, moved to University Drive (on or about 1984-02-06), and finally moved to an office suite on the 15-501 service road.

I worked in all three outside locations (but primarily University Drive) doing shipping, customer support, and product evaluation. I was horribly depressed the whole time because of the Jenny situation -- I'm not clear on the exact times when I worked there, but it all happened after the breakup, and some of it was during the time when she had disappeared and nobody knew whether she was alive or dead. I remember Susan Klintworth (who worked reception for awhile at the University Drive location) talking about the boy who found the body, that he'd been having nightmares about it.

final location was in this building -- all three floors of the second suite from the left, if I remember right
