
From HypertWiki

The Hypertwin Jukebox Prototype

This was a prototype written in W3TPL; it allowed us to export files over the LAN, but the links were often broken. It is also rather slow, being written in a language being interpreted by a parser written in another interpreted language. I'm leaving it here as an example of working W3TPL code. <hide>


<func GetArtists>

 <for db=audioferret table="qryArtists_index" sort="name">
   <let name=ar_name val="@row.name" />
   <let name=outFunc append>
  • </let>
   <if comp=@row.id with=$doArtist>
     <let name=chosen_artist_name copy=ar_name />
     <let name=outFunc append></let>
     <let name=outFunc append copy=ar_name />
     <let name=outFunc append></let>
     <let name=outFunc append vars>[$@row.id$ </let>
     <let name=outFunc append copy=ar_name />
     <let name=outFunc append>]</let>


<func GetAlbums>

 <let name=sqlFilt vars>idartist=</let>
 <let name=sqlFilt append copy=doArtist />
 <for db=audioferret table="Albums" where=$sqlFilt sort="sort, name">
   <let name=al_name val="@row.name" />
   <let name=outFunc append>
  • </let>
   <let name=outFunc append vars>[$doArtist$&album=[$@row.id$] </let>
   <let name=outFunc append copy=al_name />
   <let name=outFunc append>]</let>


<func GetTitles>

 <if flag=doAlbum>
   <let name=sqlFilt vars>album_id=</let>
   <let name=sqlFilt append copy=doAlbum />
   <let name=sqlFilt vars>artist_id=</let>
   <let name=sqlFilt append copy=doArtist />
 <let name=outFunc>
<for db=audioferret table="qryTitle_Files" where=$sqlFilt sort="track, name"> <let name=outFunc append>
   <let name=outFunc append copy=@row.track />
   <let name=outFunc append>. </let>
   <let name=outFunc append copy=@row.name />
   <let name=outFunc append> || [</let>
   <let name=outFunc append copy=urlAudio />
   <let name=outFunc append copy=@row.filespec />
   <let name=outFunc append> download]</let>
 <let name=outFunc append>



build the output

Set up the environment: -- Turn off page cache: <w3tpl nocache /> -- base URL for audio files: <let name=urlAudio>smb://rizzo/shared/sdd/audio/Jukebox/content/</let>

Get the input arguments: <let name=doArtist copy=@query.artist /> <let name=doAlbum copy=@query.album />

Always show the artists: <call GetArtists />

<let name=out>


<if flag=doArtist>

 <let name=doTitles val=1 />

</if> <if flag=doArtist>

 <let name=out append vars> || albums: [$chosen_artist_name$]</let>

</if> <if flag=doTitles>

 <let name=out append> || titles (only works from our house network)</let>

</if> <let name=out append>


<let name=out append copy=outFunc /> <let name=outFunc null />

<if flag=doArtist>

 <call GetAlbums />
 <let name=out append>
 <let name=out append copy=outFunc />
 <let name=outFunc null />


<if flag=doTitles>

 <call GetTitles />
 <let name=out append>
 <let name=out append copy=outFunc />
 <let name=outFunc null />


<let name=out append>


show the output

</hide><get name=out />