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Cassette - 1988-01-28
- Side A: Durham / Greensboro
- Primordial (full early version; tape flutter)
- middle of Brave New World (no synths; voice-sample-splice thingy at end)
- primordial guitar/harmonica thing
- strange click-echo thing (very brief)
- water-guitar thingy, with piano (mixed down, fortunately)
- jam with people at Milner Hall
- "Birds" :-P
- Those Satchnarp Blues
- Anticipatory Piano Thing
- Dana Auditorium 3AM
- brief harpsichord thing
- Through Space & Time (by Chris Kimmel)
- variations in D major thing
- Shannon & Fran flute/synth jam
- guitar chord thing
- rhodes & strings
- rhodes & horns
- Side B: Ann Arbor / Providence
- middle of Perpetual Motion
- Antarctica, abrupt ending (poor tape quality)
- BFoG instrumental tracks (probably 4-trk cassette mix)
- Daydream of the Psychoanalyst (poor tape quality)
- Stringy Fields of Green (short version; poor tape quality)
- Let's Annoy Caroline
- Dangerous Interlude (without reverb)
- harpsichord bass thing
- spliced voice thing for Brave New World
- Slow Stringy Thing
- Thing That Needs Words
- Pepperonipitsaa