
From HypertWiki
Location: uncertain: <listing> <description>

Cassette - 1988-01-28

  • Side A: Durham / Greensboro
    1. Primordial (full early version; tape flutter)
    2. middle of Brave New World (no synths; voice-sample-splice thingy at end)
    3. primordial guitar/harmonica thing
    4. strange click-echo thing (very brief)
    5. water-guitar thingy, with piano (mixed down, fortunately)
    6. jam with people at Milner Hall
    7. "Birds" :-P
    8. Those Satchnarp Blues
    9. Anticipatory Piano Thing
    10. Dana Auditorium 3AM
    11. brief harpsichord thing
    12. Through Space & Time (by Chris Kimmel)
    13. variations in D major thing
    14. Shannon & Fran flute/synth jam
    15. guitar chord thing
    16. rhodes & strings
    17. rhodes & horns
  • Side B: Ann Arbor / Providence
    1. middle of Perpetual Motion
    2. Antarctica, abrupt ending (poor tape quality)
    3. BFoG instrumental tracks (probably 4-trk cassette mix)
    4. Daydream of the Psychoanalyst (poor tape quality)
    5. Stringy Fields of Green (short version; poor tape quality)
    6. Let's Annoy Caroline
    7. Dangerous Interlude (without reverb)
    8. harpsichord bass thing
    9. spliced voice thing for Brave New World
    10. Slow Stringy Thing
    11. Thing That Needs Words
    12. Pepperonipitsaa