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Side A
Side B

Cassette - Triad MG-X 90

Side A

"layering/transfer #1 1988-03-28"

  • brief piano & synth thing (one in each channel)
    • This is actually the beginning of a longer thing which is on another cassette...
  • "Blue Fields of String" (guitar sounds out of sync; need to do digital remix... also, I don't hear the synth)
  • Middle of Perpetual Motion
  • "Antarctica"
    • sounds pretty clean, maybe was final mix for Not Ready Yet?
  • "Flight of the Mollusc"
  • "Primordial"
    • the familiar version
  • "Primordial"
    • ...but without the Ensoniq piano overdub
  • 25:50 "Daydream of the Psychoanalyst" starting tracks
    • has: echo sample, whistle, vocalizing, slide guitar
    • missing: background weirdness; drums, strings
  • 32:30 rewinding
  • 32:51 Jessica echoes
    • includes: ELIZA
  • 34:44 Fran/Shannon jam
  • 39:02 Moog-Loop-Druminator
    • has: electric guitar solo, acoustic guitar strumming, filtered electric guitar arpeggios; grand piano playout with guitar solo
  • 44:20: partial "Monorail" base mix (tape runs out)
    • has: xylophone, some digital piano, slowed down humming

Side B

"~4 min. left"

  1. Monorail to Nowhere - bounce mix (xylophone + digital piano; voices, starting faint - maybe there was another layer on top in final mix?)
  2. guitar arpeggio thing - later became Sweet Dreams, Good Night
  3. Ensoniq piano thing (several false starts)
  4. Ensoniq piano thing again, without reverse reverb
  5. Attempt to redo Primordial with Ensoniq piano... OSLT... and multiple attempts to go somewhere with it...
  6. Backwards intro to Blue Fields of Green ... Blue Fields of Green with vocals turned way down, no solos except guitar; echo fades into --
  7. Antarctica; echo fades into --
  8. Psychiatric Interlude; fades into --
  9. Daydream of the Psychoanalyst
  10. tuning orchestra as whales
  11. R2 - B2
  12. BFoG: backing vocals and synth


  • 2007-10-06 digitized; extracted "Blue Fields of String"
  • 2007-10-07 extracted "ensoniq piano thing" and "guitar arpeggio thing" (used in Sweet Dreams, Good Night)
  • 2024-07-17 extracted the two main stereo tracks for BFoG