From HypertWiki
Location: living room: <listing> <description> |
- Books:
The Ascent of Money, Niall Fergusonreading this- The World Is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman
- bookmarked because I'm about 2/3 done... but it's kind of obsolete, given the 2009 meltdown
- The UnDutchables
- The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- The Bedside Esquire, 1949 (in ziplock bag -- dustjacket rather bug-eaten, book otherwise in good shape)
- CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th edition (1979-1980)
- Zander's graduation certificate from CPSC (Belle Boggs)
- "Zander's book" -- school project, probably from CPSC
- Woozle's loose-leaf journal, mainly 1981-1982
- 2008-2009 calendar ("Treasures of Wildlife")
- National Geographic map so Spain and Portugal
- white 3-ring binders of Sandy's credit card statements:
- Notebook: Chase/WWF -7406, 2002-2004
- Notebook:
- Amex (Blue and Costco), 2003-2004
- Barnes & Noble -9983, 2001-2004
- Notebook: Discover Card, 2002-2004
- 2011-01-16 Created while cleaning off top of wooden modular cube-shelves
- 2011-01-17 Borrowed back "Ascent of Money" to read while computers are busy