Hypertwin Manor/2018-06-14 ordinance violation
From HypertWiki

We saw this attached to the holly tree by the driveway today. It's maddeningly vague; even if we really had time to do a bunch of yardwork in the next 10 days, it's not at all clear what would make them happy.
First point: yes, we have vegetation over 10". We like it that way. A lot of it is called "trees", and they often grow to heights well in excess of 10", often even multiple feet. Which specific items of taller-than-10" vegetation are you objecting to, and why? Second point: It's true that the vegetation around the sidewalk could use a little trimming back, and the sidewalk keeps getting covered with leaf detritus -- but:
- Relevant ordinances: Chapter 26 - ENVIRONMENT, LITTER, VANDALISM AND POLLUTION