HypertWiki:Archive/storage unit

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Things kept in the storage unit at Cardinal Storage (see also storage boxes category)

Loose Stuff

  • 2 bed-pads (good for sleepovers)
  • lots of empty cardboard boxes (smaller ones reserved for vbz.net shipping)
  • pieces from lightweight metal sliding wire-shelving
    • probably just donate to Scrap Exchange (also extra bits stored in basement!)
  • 2006-10-03:
    • wooden box containing Ensoniq Mirage from Ebay (never opened)
      • store in laundry room attic?
    • Clavinova from living room (missing keys) and base/stand with pedals
      • store in laundry room attic?
  • 2006-10-26:
    • Benjamin poster-sized art, 2005-06-04 (partial USPS Priority tube)
    • Benjamin poster-sized art, 2006-10-26 (USPS Priority tube; 2 rolls in tandem)
    • BENJY-01: art & schoolwork, packed 2006-10-26

Storage Boxes

  • STORBX-001 a few PC World and some other... stuff
  • STORBX-002 some of Woozle's old paperwork, Red House era
  • STORBX-003 DEAD FILES: mostly Nevada, some Anthony drive; Truck; some Charles's files. A chunk of the 1990s, roughly.
  • STORBX-004 Harena's receipts in ziplok bags
  • STORBX-005 old kid clothes and blankets and stuff, in white garbage bag
  • STORBX-006 mostly computer magazines
  • STORBX-007 bagged kid clothes – I think this was the excess which wouldn't fit in the next box
  • STORBX-008 kid clothes in (holey) vacuum-bag
  • STORBX-009 Byte and other magazines, possibly Aquarium-related
  • STORBX-010 SF paperbacks: Asimov, New Destinies (Baen), Baxter
  • STORBX-011 kid clothes in white garbage bag
  • STORBX-012 Byte and other computer magazines
  • STORBX-013 misc. computer/business magazines from Red House
  • STORBX-014 computer cards
  • STORBX-015 toys: disused and baby; probably not broken
  • STORBX-016 Dead Files 2003
  • STORBX-017 receipts in bags
  • STORBX-018 technical manuals; old letters and journal
  • STORBX-019 large-format magazines: Nuts & Volts etc.
  • STORBX-020 hardware technical manuals, software manuals
  • STORBX-021 Sandy's dead files - early 1990s financial records
  • STORBX-022 clothes (mostly winter) to be checked with Zander to see if he likes them. Boxed 2007-07-08 but were sitting around for at least a year or 2 before that.


see also Storage boxes:books category

  • BOOKS-01 SF hardbacks: Card, Conklin, Zelazny; Astounding
  • BOOKS-02 SF hardbacks: Scott, Silverberg, Stine
  • BOOKS-03 SF hardbacks: Bova, Brin, Bujold, Card, Clarke
  • BOOKS-04 Analog, 1970s
  • BOOKS-05 Asimov's, Galaxy
  • BOOKS-06 SF hardbacks: Asimov (including Bible book), Bujold, Card, Heinlein; some unidentified paperbacks
  • BOOKS-07 F&SF, Worlds of IF
  • BOOKS-08 yearbooks from Brown; other miscellany
  • BOOKS-09 SF paperbacks: Clement, Delany, Forward, Foster, Gerrold
  • BOOKS-10 electronics hardback, electronics notebook(s?), misc.
  • BOOKS-11 some SF hardbacks
  • BOOKS-12 F&SF, and also a box of a few cassettes
  • BOOKS-13 SF paperbacks: Bova, Bradbury, Bujold, Capek, Card, Christopher, Clarke...
  • BOOKS-14 SF paperbacks: Weinbaum, Wyndham; Star Trek
  • BOOKS-15 SF paperbacks: Harrison, Heinlein, Herbert, Huxley, Lem
  • BOOKS-16 SF paperbacks: Star Trek, Babylon 5
  • BOOKS-17 Analog, 1971...
  • BOOKS-18 miscellaneous non-fiction & humor
  • BOOKS-19 Analog, 1990s
  • BOOKS-20 Analog, 1980s
  • BOOKS-21 SF hardbacks: Haldeman, Heinlein, Herbert, Ley, McCaffrey...
  • BOOKS-22 SF paperbacks: Niven, Norman, Palmer, Pellegrino; a few Star Trek
  • BOOKS-23 Star Fleet Tech Manual; not sure what else... looks like large hardbacks
  • BOOKS-24 SF paperbacks: Tenn; Star Trek
  • BOOKS-25 Star Trek paperbacks: Blish TOS, animated series, fotonovels, Bantam novels; Star Wars paperbacks
  • BOOKS-26 SF hardbacks: Biggle, Blish, McIntosh
  • BOOKS-27 large hardbacks (Greek Myths, A Child's Garden of Verses...), a few SF paperbacks


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