Griever/storage rental

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The facts of this arrangement between Nick and Bubba have not yet been agreed upon by all parties.

Nick's Contention

Bubba agreed to rent a storage trailer ("trailer") to Nick on a month-by-month basis. The trailer was located at Lynne and Bubba's residence at 1242 Hull Road. The terms of the agreement changed several times. Prior to the rental agreement, Lynne and Bubba had offered Nick the use of part of the trailer free of charge, with no mention of any future rental fees.

The terms were initially that the total monthly fee was $150, part of which was to be paid in cash and part of which was to be credited towards the amount owed on the Benz Rental (amounts to be researched).

At some point (date to be researched), Lynne determined that this was insufficient, as the actual cost of renting the trailer from the owner, Neff Rental, had risen, and that the rental amount needed to be $150 per month from that point forward.

Sometime in 2002 or 2003, Lynne began suggesting strongly that the rental needed to be discontinued soon, as Neff wanted their trailer back. Lynne indicated on at least one occasion that she had given Neff definite dates when they could retrieve the trailer, but these dates had to be changed at least once or twice due to Nick being unable to arrange a visit to Athens to move everything out of the trailer. There was no indication that Neff had given Lynne or Bubba any indication that they were going to pick up the trailer without permission.

In late 2003 (date to be researched), Nick became alarmed at the situation and managed to get down to Athens and rent a truck to move everything into a commercial storage unit, but found that the trailer had already been moved. Nick asked Lynne where the trailer was, and she told him Neff Rental had it, but she refused to give Nick the phone number.

Nick drove off in the truck, found Neff's phone number, called them, and established that the trailer was actually there. Nick then drove the truck back to 1242 Hull Road and proceeded to ask about the return of the other items then in Lynne and Bubba's possession, i.e. the grand piano, the Benz, and the business merchandise.

When neither Lynne nor Bubba would state clearly that Nick was allowed to take either of these items, Nick called the police.

After finishing with the police, Nick went down to Neff rental and moved as much out of the trailer as possible. The shelves had collapsed, not having been set up to deal with the trailer being moved, and much of Nick's equipment was smashed. Time being short, Nick was only able to retrieve one truckful of the most important items; the entire trailer would probably have taken 2 or 3 truckfuls to empty completely of all Nick's possessions. (There were a few other items not belonging to Nick also in the trailer).