Danielsville Road

From HypertWiki


I lived on Danielsville Road in Athens for about 10 years, starting off in #2872 at the end of November 1991 and finally clearing out of #2895 in July, 2001 with much drama (another story for another time, but a bit of it is here). I was also heavily involved in moving two houses here from downtown Athens, as well as doing various maintenance on a number of them which were owned by Livia's family. At Livia's request, I had also set up a page on my then-website giving the various features of the houses (now taken down also at her request) to help with renting them; I've included those here for reference/archival purposes. (When they are available for rent, Livia now uses Flagpole's classifieds to advertise them.)

Archived rental listing (applies to all houses except where noted):

  • approx. 1000 square feet
  • solid/bare wood floors
  • kitchen w/stove, fridge
  • 2 bedrooms
  • surrounded by woods
  • cable TV/Internet available
  • pets ok (but houses are near busy road, and only some of them have fenced-in yards)


2785 and 2795 were originally located in downtown Athens, near the corner of Hawthorne and Oglethorpe; Livia moved them to Danielsville Road in the spring of 1999, and I helped (financially and a large but unrecorded number of hours on remodeling and painting). All are situated on approximately 118 acres of privately-owned wooded land on Danielsville Road in Athens, about 3.5 miles past the perimeter highway, between Mission Drive and the Timberwood subdivision (Sweetgum Way).

The Houses


2870 Danielsville Rd. was "Mubbie's House"; we (Livia and I) moved in when she died in late January of 2001. Livia and Anna still live there. This was always the main house of the property, and has never been for rent. category page


2872 Danielsville Rd. is now "The Green Cottage", although it was an unfortunate bright orange (it looked much tamer on the sample card) for several years before that, and was a pale yellow when we moved in. Historically, it was apparently the "servant house" for servants of the landowner living in #2870. We (Livia and I, later joined by Anna) lived here until moving to #2870. I built most of the kitchen cabinetry, though I didn't actually get around to finishing the facia and such until moving out. (category page).

Rental listing:

  • central heat, A/C
  • washer-dryer installed
  • hand-made cabinetry
  • cobalt blue tile backsplash in kitchen
  • wraparound back deck.


2785 Danielsville Road is now "The Blue-Grey House": This is the house I supposedly receive rent from even though I don't own it and said rent immediately goes back into child support and the arrangement terminates when the child-support is over, although the documentation on this is somewhat scanty. Livia managed to take some pictures of this structure's brief career as a roadhouse and/or mobile home...

Archived rental listing:

  • central heat, A/C
  • roofed deck


2790 Danielsville Road is "The Brown House": I remember much mowing of the lawn (including blade-whacking of weeds grown into trees), and I installed the thingies to cover the the fireplaces (for insulation and to prevent tenants from using the fireplaces) and I remember doing an awful lot of painting and window-fixing, and then there was the time that the newly-installed laundry room pipes burst and I had to crawl around under the house late at night (the evening before a long road trip) to try to find the problem, but it turned out to be a bad join inside the wall...

Archived rental listing:

  • central heat, A/C
  • washer-dryer hookup


2795 Danielsville Road is now "The Grey-Green House". I (re-)built the railings on the back porch because the original remodeling contractor did what I can really only describe as a lousy job; you could barely lean against the railings without almost knocking them over.

Archived rental listing:

  • central heat, A/C
  • fenced-in backyard
  • easy access to walking trail on property


2830 Danielsville Road is "The White Bungalow". At one time, we had managed to clear a path (through some very thick underbrush) between there and #2895; I don't know if it is still passable.

Archived rental listing:

  • washer-dryer hookup
  • gas heaters
  • fenced-in backyard


2895 Danielsville Road is now "The Green House".

Archived rental listing:

  • about 1500 square feet
  • fenced-in backyard
  • Formerly known as The Red House

Edit Log

  • 2006-04-26: moved off HTYP to here
  • 2006-04-04: moved from redhouse.com to htyp
  • 2004.05.20: updated
  • 2001.07.08: updated