From HypertWiki
Authoritopoly is the board game where you try to win by either subjugating those around you or by backing the right authority-figure. I have only the vaguest idea how it should work, but here are notes as I think of them.
personal cards (like "Community Chest"):
- You used a politically-incorrect term...
- in a public setting. You are required to take sensitivity training. Lose 2 turns.
- in a public speech, and are forced to resign. Lose 3 turns and pay fine.
- You criticized the President, and your civil rights have now been suspended for suspected "terrorist" connections.
event cards (like "Chance"):
- Your authority figure makes a speech supporting torture. You can choose: (a) write an editorial supporting this action, gain 2 "favor" tokens from that party; (b) write an editorial condemning it...