Agnomic Rules

From HypertWiki


The roster of players

The Roster of Players is:

  • Thorog
  • Katters
  • Erika
  • Harena
  • Nathen
  • Veronica

The Official Scribe is Thorog


Order of Play

Play consists of a number of cycles. Each cycles consists of one turn for each player. Players take turns in the order they are listed in Rule 0001.


The Turn

When it is the player's turn, the player may choose either to create, amend or remove a rule as described in Rule 0004, or e may choose instead to pass. If a player passes, e must notify post to the List that e is passing. The Scribe will record this, and the turn will pass to the next player.


Creating, amending and removing Rules

During a player's turn, the player may choose to create a new Rule, or amend or remove a current Rule. E must do this by emailing the List with "[PROPOSAL]" in the subject, and with all relevant information in the body of the email.

Relevant information includes for all actions: the type of action taken (creation, amendment or removal) and the rule in question (both name and number). If the player wishes to create or amend a Rule, e must also include the new text of the rule. The player may also wish to add an argument for the rule, either within the rule itself or accompanying it in the email.

The proposal will be noted down by the Scribe. The player's turn will not end until the proposal has either been approved or declined.


Voting on proposals

A player's proposal may be voted on by all players during the turn on which it is proposed. A player votes by emailing the Scribe with es vote. A player may vote "Yea", "Nay" or "Abstain". Once a player has voted, e may not change es vote.

Once all have voted, the Scribe announces the results to the List. If the proposal has more "Yea" votes than "Nay" votes, it is considered to have been approved. If the proposal has an equal number of "Yea" and "Nay" votes, or has more "Nay" votes than "Yea" votes, it is considered to have been rejected.

Proposals that are accepted become Rules, and apply immediately. A Rule does not apply retroactively unless otherwise stated.


Naming and numbering of proposals and rules

Each Rule and Proposal has a name and number. The number is assigned upon the creation of the proposal to be the first available number. The name is given by the creator of the Proposal, but no other Proposal may have the same name.

If a Rule is amended, it keeps its original number and name.


Forbidden actions

Any act that breaks one of the Rules is forbidden. A player may not perform a forbidden act. Anything that is not forbidden is permitted.

If a player is forced to break a Rule, e must break the Rule with the least precedence as defined in Rule 0008.



A Rule (called the "original Rule") has precedence over another Rule (called the "overriding rule") if the original Rule explicitly states that is has precedence over the overriding Rule. If either both or neither of the rules state that they have precedence over one another, the Rule with the lower number has precedence.


Ending the game

The game ends when a Player is declared the Winner.


Sacred Rules

A Rule can be Sacred or Mutable. Those Rules whose number is 0010 or less are Sacred. Those Rules who are not Sacred are Mutable.

A Proposal to amend or remove a Sacred Rule must receive no "Nay" votes to be approved.


Winning by Points

Players may have a number of Points. If, at the end of a Player's turn, e has a total of 100 Points, e has won the game.