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AccountSite is web-based software which allows anyone to keep track of money owed or borrowed between themselves and others. It also includes tools to make certain tasks easier


This is a list of all features currently seen as desirable; they will probably not all be implemented in the first version.

  • Each user has access to zero or more transaction accounts
  • User can enter simple transactions ("I gave money to X" or "X gave money to me") or vicarious transactions ("I spent money on behalf of X, so now X owes me")
  • Software keeps track of running amount owed to or from each account; in complex situations such as "A owes B $1, B owes C $2, C owes A $3", can also report that the debt would be settled if (in this example) B and C each gave A $1.
  • Can be configured to require approval of line-items by remote user (either all line-items, only certain types of line items e.g. debits, or only line-items specified by the local user); approval requests can be sent by email if needed, rather than requiring login to web site
  • Automatic calculation of interest on debts; interest can be kept in same account (for compound interest) or put in separate account (for simple interest); compounding frequency (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.) is settable, and of course the interest rate can be set; past interest amounts can be recalculated
  • Transactions can be editable, read-only, or invisible, depending on user's access privileges for that account
  • Support for multiple users managing a set of accounts; each user can have different access privileges
  • Tools
    • Time Calculator: keeps track of billable hours worked for clients and converts them into billing line items
      • enter start and stop times, extra amounts worked with no specific time, and duration of interruptions; specify hourly rate to convert into money
    • Invoicing: sends invoices to specified clients at regular intervals; sends reminders when invoices are not paid on time, etc.


  • 2006-07-10 AccountSite is currently in the specification stage; it has not been formally designed.