2006-11-17 vandalism
From HypertWiki
As we were driving down Pinecrest Rd. from #122 at about 7:45, I noticed the driver's-side tail-light of my Nissan Maxima had been smashed; another car further down the street, also on the right, had had its driver's-side tail-light smashed too (apparently that was Dev Palmer's car at #146). By the time we got back from our errands, the other car was gone, so I didn't get a photo; photo of my Nissan is below. --Woozle 11:04, 17 November 2006 (EST)
Dev Palmer wrote: "Sometime between 9:30 last night and 7:15 this morning, someone went up and down the street throwing pumpkins. One of them hit my car, breaking the driver's side taillight and denting the trunk lid. The incident has been reported to the police."