2005-09-11 Benjamin Story

From HypertWiki

Once upon a time there lived five hobbits. They lived very long. One time, they saw Gandalf. Gandalf took them to a man with weapons. Then the man took them to Legolas. Legolas took them to the dwarf. The dwarf took them to Rohan, then they all went to the blue tower. Then they went to Gondor. Then they went to the tower that was on the water, and until they all were there they all went to battle some orcs and goblins. They kept battling and they kept battling until... KAPLOOSH!!! Something really happened. The tree-army came, and they all went to Saruman, and they all lived to battle Saruman. Soon, the dam was broke, and a flood came going on! And the flood went all over the place, until everyone destroyed Saruman and everyone went to Mordor and destroyed the ring and they were whooshing down Mordor to pieces until lava came whooshing < insert sound effects of lava whooshing > ... but the eagles came in time and grabbed them .... some more eagles grabbed the horses... the eagles jumped so high... all of the orcs and goblins were stupid, they went to the lava... until the good guys got to the elf place where it was nice and good.



So there you have it -- The Lord of the Rings, as told by Benjy.

He remembered all the names except Gondor himself. We couldn't figure out what "the blue tower" was.

Unlike the previous stories, Benjamin was aware I was typing this as he was saying it, and his flow was much more... careful, at least until we got to the final scenes and he started racing ahead and we had to go back and fill in the gaps.