2004-01-14 SvsG Emails

From HypertWiki

Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2004

15:07 from Wholesale Medals

Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 15:07:27 -0500
Message-Id: <200401142007.i0EK7R05029501spam@spamwally.worldconnxspam.spamnet>
To: b-2025-03-16-15:36-spam@vbzspam.net
Subject: Final Notice for Payment before Collection
From: JJ Steinbuhler <jj-2025-03-16-15:36-spam@wholesalemedalsspam.com>
X-Mailer: NetOfficePro Version 2.0

Dear Bob

We are in the final stages of closing out 2003. At this time you have an open invoice #1828 dated 7/14/03 for $238.25 and invoice #1844 for $148.75 with Ribbon Factory Awards. We have contacted you in the past and have not received payment.

Our procedure is to give you final notification of this outstanding bill before presenting it for collection thru our Credit Bureau. As you may or may not know, this is detrimental to both of us, as it becomes part of your credit history and we must surrender a percentage of 25-40% to the Credit Bureau if you settle this bill after we file.

Your attention on this matter would be most appreciated before our filing date of January 31 2004.

J. J. Steinbuhler
Ribbon Factory Awards
800 957-1990