2003-09-20 SvsG Emails

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Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2003

10:40 from Nick

Message-ID: <3F6C66CD.6080709spam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 10:40:13 -0400
From: "N. Staddon" <nspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030529
To: lynne-2025-03-28-16:33-spam@redhousespam.com, b-2025-03-28-16:33-spam@ltpgaspam.com
CC: bubba-2025-03-28-16:33-spam@redhousespam.com
Subject: tentative trailer retrieval plans

This plan is still in the formative stages, but I thought I should let you know as soon as it started forming. I will let you know if it decides to become a different plan.

The Plan As It Is Now

I will be driving down to Athens this coming Friday (without children). I will be renting a UHaul and moving (hopefully) all of my stuff out of trailer #3 and (also hopefully) having the Benz towed to where it can be repaired. I doubt there will be time to retrieve the piano this visit, though if it was a priority for you and some muscular assistance was available I could probably get it done.

I would like to stop by Hull Road on Friday afternoon/evening to check out the situation as far as maneuvering large trucks (1 UHaul, 1 tow truck) into close proximity to trailer #3 and the Benz. I understand that the mud (from the septic line excavation) may still be a problem, and I would like to see how much of a problem it is and whether or not I will need to put down some skids or other material to prevent the trucks from becoming mired. I would also like to see if there are any other preparatory tasks which need doing so that I can accomplish as much as possible on Saturday.

I would like to get the key to the Benz at that time (Friday pm), since you haven't mailed it to me yet as requested. Please let me know how you would like to accomplish this. (Leaving it inside trailer #3, in a clearly-marked envelope so I don't miss it, seems to me like the best option, but I am open to others.)

Saturday I would like to spend all day if necessary (and I expect it probably will be necessary) moving things out of trailer #3. (I will consider myself lucky if I actually manage to get all my stuff out of the trailer in one day.)

Sunday we will need to be back in Durham by mid-afternoon, so I don't expect to be coming over again unless there is some minor finishing task that seemed best left for daylight.

I am assuming that the lock I purchased for securing trailer #3 is still securing trailer #3; please let me know if another lock has been substituted.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any objections to this plan so that I can make alternate arrangements as needed. If I don't hear back, I will assume there's no problem.

Thank you,
