2001-05-21 Email from Rita Richards

From HypertWiki
From: "Rita Richards" <maxratpicsdotnet>
To: "Rita Richards" <maxratpicsdotnet>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 9:29 AM


This log mold will hold 3 pounds of soap when filled to the top.

Make sure you have the sides and bottom on correct. LOOK at the mold, see the L, R, F and B marked on each side, top, and also on the bottom, MAKE SURE YOU PUT IT BACK TOGETHER THIS WAY, IF YOU DO NOT, IT MIGHT NOT GO BACK CORRECTLY AND ALSO IT MIGHT LEAK TOO.

ALWAYS put a plastic bag under the mold, before you pour the soap into the mold, in case it does start leaking. Always make sure your soap has traced well before you pour into the mold. The mold will not hold water, but I have never had it leak my soaps out.. BUT please put a plastic bag under the mold in case it does.

You will find extra sealer strips in a plastic bag with the mold, this is for the grooves in case that that is in there comes out.

I clean my mold with a toothbrush down in the slots, if there is any soap that gets inside the slots.

I do not line or DO NOT spray Pam or anything on the inside of the mold before you pour the soap into the mold.

Pour soap into mold, cover and leave 24 hours and uncover and unscrew the bolts and pop the sides off the mold, then the shorter ends off, then if the soap should slide ride off the bottom DO NOT pull the log of soap off any of the sides or the bottom of the mold, if you do you could pull a chunk out of your log.

ALWAYS make sure your screws are screwed in WELL and also the sides of the mold are in the groves well, might have to use a hammer to hammer them in, BUT make sure they are in good before you use the Log mold each time.

Have any questions please email me at maxratpicsdotnet or call me at (806)462-7370.

Thanks for purchasing the Log Mold and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Rita in TEXAS
Kelsei's Creations
The ORIGINAL Divider Soap Molds, NEW Log All Plastic Soap Mold, Soap Making Supplies, Herbal Soaps and More