SluggySquad Status

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This is an interim area for collecting information relating to the status of SluggySquad as it goes through (insert appropriate euphemism here).

Current Status

Harena has been given ownership of the Sluggy channels, as requested by Mew.

We have contacted Thyla (Pete's ambassador to the rest of the world, more or less). We will be maintaining the same relationship with them that we had prior to now. SluggySquad has always been treated as an independant community much like the MARE and the mailing list, in that they exert no control or influence over it, but if there is a Pete Chat they'll come to us. --Vee 22:34, 21 Apr 2005 (PDT) (with edits by Woozle)

There are currently no plans to move SluggyPics, as long as Mew is willing to continue hosting/adminning it. (Haven't heard anything from her on that point, though, as of 4/22.)

What Happened

At 2:06 pm EDT 2005-04-21, SqueakyMewMew, founder and owner of the SluggySquad family of channels (#sluggysquad, #sluggyafterdark, #sluggytoys, #sluggycrafts, #sluggycounsel) was akilled from the VillageIRC network:

  • <-- squeakymewmew has quit (Autokilled: For the safety and well-being of all network members and staff, your presence on our network is no longer welcome. You will receive an email detailing these reasons within the next 24 hours.)

SqueakyMewMew sent the network owners a polite goodbye email and has relinquished ownership of all the Sluggy channels. Discussions are now underway to determine what will happen next.

Watch this page for updates.

--Woozle 14:28, 21 Apr 2005 (CST) adds:

This decision was made (as I understand it) by the owners of the network. I was not involved in the discussions leading up to this, but I support the network's decision -- although I am also very sorry to see Mew go; more about this later.

--Dhraakellian 15:26, 21 Apr 2005 (CST) adds:

The current plan is to continue the channels in more or less their present form, on the same network. There may be some minor changes in the chanop team.

--Woozle 16:15, 21 Apr 2005 (CST) adds:

As I understand it, Mew initially considered moving the Sluggy chans over to a new network but ultimately decided against.

Partial transcript

Here's part of what the network administrators had to say in #sluggysquad. Emphasis has been added by me. (time=EDT)

[02:13pm] <+Cynapede> FYI: Some of you have seen squeakymewmew be removed from the network, and we have had private inquiries, so want to clear the air here....
[02:14pm] <+Cynapede> The removal from the network is permanant. For matters of personal privacy and confidentiality, I cannot divulge specifics as to why this action was taken. However, it involves personal well-being of a member on this network.
[02:14pm] <+ShadowMaster> Several members actually
[02:14pm] <+Cynapede> I want each and every one of you to know though...
[02:15pm] <+Cynapede> You (the members) AND sluggy channels have been a vital part of our community here for nearly 2 years...
[02:15pm] <+Cynapede> You continue to be welcome and wanted as members of our community :)
[02:15pm] <+ShadowMaster> What happens to the sluggites will be up to the sluggites themselves and the staff members
[02:17pm] <+ShadowMaster> Due to past history and information we have, we have put the sluggy channels in a state where they cannot be harmed pending Sluggy staff having had time to discuss matters
[02:21pm] <+ShadowMaster> Out of respect for Mew i refuse to go into any details in public nor private. I will say however that this decition was not reached lightly and its part of a long running history of events that have culminated in the past weeks

And here is Mew's eventual decision: (time=MDT)

(13:22:25) squeakymewmew: I've decided not to move the channels
(13:22:37) squeakymewmew: I'm sending an email to the chanops and to the network staff appointing Harena as the new owner in my stead

A more complete transcript can be found here.


  • (4/22) What is happening with Will Mew let us copy over the (new) SluggyPics data, or will we have to rebuild it again?

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