From HypertWiki
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Whereabouts Known
- Brian Bulkowski - California
- Matt Henry
- EMcC. - Michigan
- Karen S. - Boston
Local Friends
- Erika J. - somewhere out in Chapel Hillsborough
- Beth Packard (whose married last name I currently can't remember) - Cary
- Cindy S. - Chatham County
- Shannon T. - somewhere in Durham, at last contact
- SluggySquad
- Sinaasappeltje / tapuz (Elise):
- photos: facebook (Israel)
- a young friend who managed to get herself banned from VillageIRC (!) but with whom we still keep in touch
Out of Touch
- Eva Martin was mostly a friend of Jessica's when they were at CFS (1980s), but still...
Whereabouts Unknown
- Hilary B. -- emails began bouncing back in, what, 2003? Mail sent to her known address was returned, forwarding expired. She probably just forgot to update me; it's happened before. I'm considering placing a "have you seen" classified ad in Cragslist, and trying to decide just how much damage this might do to our friendship if I were to do so...
- Ann V. Simon, aka Tigger - died in 2003, of spinal cancer
- Jenny, Harena's little sister & Woozle's high-school best friend - suicide (unproven), 1983
- Lynne & Willard Dale "Bubba" Griever -- Athens, GA