From HypertWiki
Techniques: Software: Operating Systems: Linux
The following may reflect my own ignorance rather than an actual shortcoming in Linux:
- Development
- There appears to be no mechanism corresponding to ActiveX (as used for app development, not as used for deploying apps on the web)
- There appears to be no application corresponding to MS Access. Yes, you can do all the same stuff with various available tools, but not quickly; v2.0 of OpenOffice is apparently going to include a tool which may be a step in the right direction...
- Regular Use
- In Windows, if you create a link to an executable script (batch file -- *.bat) on your desktop (or anywhere), the link is executable with a double-click. Under KDE (in Ubuntu), I can't figure out how to make it execute at all without using a terminal.
Useful Commands
- lspci - lists all PCI devices found
- To mount an ISO image as a folder (untested):
mount -o loop NameOfISO.iso /mount/wherever
Miscellaneous Fixes
- Time Zone: If the KDE Clock-setting widget seems to be refusing to set the time zone (or your system clock is refusing to show anything except GMT time), this command may work:
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/NewYork /etc/localtime
...where "/America/NewYork" should be replaced by the appropriate file for your time zone. I have not been able to find any documentation on this feature; the command was suggested to me by someone on the #kde forum at (see [1]). Remember to use the console "date" command to verify what the system clock is currently set to. --Woozle 08:45, 23 Apr 2005 (CST)