From HypertWiki
- Name: Ann Veronica Simon
- Born: February 15, 1968
- Died: February 24, 2003, Berkeley, CA; brain/spinal cancer
Ann was known also as Tigger, due to her eternally energetic and bouncy nature. She was Woozle's close friend and confidant from 1982 until her death, and much-beloved godmother to Anna Nikola. She was also a good friend of Jenny's -- one of the original "Goresum Foursum" (along with Cindy S. and Erika J.) in the CFS middle school.
She attended undergraduate school at Brown University from 1985-1989, where she joined King House.
Ann had almost completed graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley at the time of her death; she was granted her degree posthumously.
- Brian's page about Ann's cancer: good photos of Tigger in life
- The Tigger Appreciation Society: from the Hypertwins, updated on Tigger's last living birthday.
- Ann's Writings:
News Tidbits
- 2006-01-10 Researchers ... uncover clue to explain invasive brain tumors: glioblastoma multiformae is the type of cancer Tigger had