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Hello and welcome to the vbz.net section of the HyperTwiki. This area is intended as an open forum for members of the vbz.net community (customers, suppliers, artists, fans, family, friends, and even critics) to exchange information about... stuff. (More rambling on whys and wherefores may be found here.) To make a comment, just create an account and you will be able to edit pages. (Editing guidelines to be written soon...)
- Current Status: what's going on, happening, occurring, taking place (get out your thesauri and help out!)
- Customer Comments: Share your experiences and help me improve the store!
- The Competition: I don't believe in competition; just improvement...
- International Shipping: issues regarding shipping to other countries
Artist Information
Supplier Information
- New Suppliers: upcoming items to be added to the store
- Discontinued Suppliers: suppliers we're not carrying, for the moment
- Things we're not carrying: incense? (over the internet??) sports team t-shirts? Give me your 2 cents worth on whether we should add any of these items.
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