2002 SvsG Emails
Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2002
Significant Emails
Long Essays
- 2002-03-06 from Nick: suggestion for how compensation might work
- 2002-06-29 18:31 from Nick
- 2002-09-05 11:35 from Nick
- 2002-09-30: money
- 2002-05-09 10:18 from Lynne: Benz is still being rented; Lynne asks for money for LB, Benz tags & insurance
- 2002-07-01 21:55 from Nick: "I have given Livia 30 days' notice"
- 2002-07-18 from Nick: response to Grievers' request to buy the Benz
- 01-07 from Nick: friction between Nick & Bubba
- 03-11 from Lynne: Lynne explains advantages of face-to-face conversations