
From HypertWiki
Revision as of 00:53, 12 May 2020 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (gonna just leave the /retired and /offsite pages the way they are and slowly back away...)

See also: MAC addresses

These pages are a record of the specs of the various machines we use or might be called on to troubleshoot for family.


In Prep


Old pages


  • 2016-11-07 There has been a distinct lack of logging of any of the many computer changes which have taken place since 2011.
  • 2011-10-?? Current Gonzo died; got new sysbd, CPU, RAM.
  • 2010? Turned Bunsen into Ernie. Gave Harena current Gonzo. New hardware for Woozle. (At least, I think that's what happened.)
  • 2009-11-04 Set up new 500 GB HD on former Gonzo 1.1 (which wasn't really being used) with Kubuntu 9.10; became new Bunsen. Old Bunsen not in use. Moved Bunsen 1.1's main HD over to copy files from.
  • 2009-02-03 Moved Vincent's HDs over to Gonzo I; video and most system drivers seem to work.
  • 2009-01-19 Gonzo I got replaced by Gonzo II over the summer
  • 2008-01-02 Vincent got fried by a dying power supply; it turns out Rizzo's only problem was an electrically-problematic HD, so old Rizzo is now taking Vincent's place. All it took was finding Win98 drivers for the video and onboard ethernet.