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Revision as of 18:42, 3 December 2017 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (made more presentable/sensible)
Tigger and Anna, circa 1998

Tigger, better known to many by the pseudonym Ann Veronica Simon stated on her birth-certificate, was Woozle's close friend and confidant from 1981 until her death, and much-beloved godmother to Anna Nikola. As one of Jenny's close friends in the CFS middle school circa 1979, she was a founding member of the "Goresum Foursum" (along with Cindy S. and Erika J.)

Woozle gave her the name "Tigger" – in commemoration of her eternally energetic and bouncy nature – while they were both at Brown, which she attended as an undergraduate from 1985-1989 and where she became a member of the Delta Psi chapter at King House.

She had almost completed graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley at the time of her death; she was granted her degree posthumously. The Ann Veronica Simon Outstanding Gender Studies Dissertation Award was established at LSU in her honor not long after. (See 2006 Ann Simon fundraising letter for details)

Some original Tigger phrases:

  • Whatever wiggles your guinea-pig.
  • Please kiss your own spaghetti.


Related Articles

  • The Tigger category has photos
  • 2007.02 Ann wrote the first two lines (perhaps more; not sure) and inspired the overall verbal feel of the song Your Brilliant Career, a rough draft of which is now available for free download (MP3).


Hedgehogs! dee dee dee!

~ The Ann Veronica Simon Memorial Collection of Hedgehog Miscellany ~

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