
From HypertWiki
Revision as of 14:18, 17 April 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs)

Show us how bad our memory is -- add yourself to this list!

Whereabouts Known

  • Brian Bulkowski - California
  • Ellen McCallum - Michigan
  • Karen Schiff - Boston

Local Friends

  • Erika Juhlin - somewhere out in Chapel Hillsborough
  • Beth Packard (whose married last name I currently can't remember) - Cary
  • Cindy Smith - Chatham County
  • Shannon Talton - somewhere in Durham, at last contact


Whereabouts Unknown

  • Hilary B. -- emails began bouncing back in, what, 2003? Mail sent to her known address was returned, forwarding expired. She probably just forgot to update me; it's happened before.
  • Matthew H. -- when we last heard, he was escaping from a mad psycho-bitch from hell. His email address is in an old account which I'm having lots of exciting happy fun trying to import into my homebrew email-management program so I can email him again.


  • Ann V. Simon, aka Tigger - died in 2003, of spinal cancer
  • Jenny, Harena's little sister & Woozle's high-school best friend - suicide (unproven), 1983


  • Willard Dale "Bubba" Griever & Lynne Griever -- Athens, GA