
From HypertWiki

This article is a stub requiring substantial initial content from Woozle. Although you may be able to help expand it, it is more likely that Woozle will have to finish setting up the initial content before it will make sense to anyone else. Woozle: Projects: HyperMoney

HyperMoney is my attempt to write a money-management program (as in Quicken or Microsoft Money) that is actually usable and has no Stupid Features. It will be Open Source, as soon as I have source worth publishing (as of 2005-08-06, it's all written in Microsoft Access 97). The next step may be to convert it to web-based application, as HTML could possibly overcome many of the interface design issues I'm encountering.

Project Goals

  • To avoid shortcomings in existing money manager software: see HyperMoney: Flaws in Other Software
  • To minimize the "setup curve", i.e. the amount of preparatory work needed before any useful amounts of data can be entered
  • To provide all basic functionality needed for the following:
    • Tracking and balancing one's bank accounts and credit cards
    • Tracking debts and loans involving one or more other parties of varying levels of disorganization (they might or might not send you regular statements or even reliable itemizations)

Data Design

There are two main areas of concern: Transactions and Accounts.



Interface Design
