
From HypertWiki
Revision as of 18:30, 5 July 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (rephrase of intro; link to Disclaimer)

I'm currently suing some former business associates. Information placed here should not be considered definitive; for the final authority on this case, please see the actual legal documents on file at the Athens-Clarke County Courthouse. Please also read the Legal Disclaimer before making any use of the information presented here.

Legal Documents

The following documents are transcribed verbatim, with a very few typos and spelling errors fixed (and probably a few added). I have left off the headers and footers, which basically just name the Plaintiffs (me and my corporation), the Defendants, and associated lawyers. In some cases, where two or more documents appeared to share large sections of text, I have actually transcribed the text only once, and essentially copied/pasted it into the other documents (using a MediaWiki feature called a Template) after a once-over proofread to make sure there were no changes from document to document.

Phase 1 (criminal)

"If you really want me to show the world what a liar and an idiot you are then by all means just say the word." -- Bubba, final email to Nick, 2003-11-28

At Lynne's request, I had allowed her to use my car in exchange for $100/week rent (her suggested figure). (Lynne is apparently denying that there was a rental agreement.) When I tried to get it back, I was first met with repeated stalling and finally a flat claim that they were keeping it in exchange for debts I supposedly owed her and Bubba. This would seem to be a classic case of conversion, which is illegal.

Phase 2 (civil)

Filed 2005-01-25

Received 2005-03-26

Defendants apparently also asked for an extension, which Plaintiffs were legally required to grant. I do not have the paperwork for this.

Received 2005-04-23

Filed/Sent 2005-05-09

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