
From HypertWiki
Revision as of 12:43, 2 July 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (added description and "conversion" link)

I'm currently suing some former business associates. It's a long and complicated story, and I should probably avoid saying anything about it yet except what is on public record.

The following documents are transcribed verbatim, with a very few typos and spelling errors fixed (and probably a few added). I have left off the headers and footers, which basically just name the Plaintiffs (me and my corporation), the Defendants, and associated lawyers.

Legal Documents - Phase 1 (criminal)

"If you really want me to show the world what a liar and an idiot you are then by all means just say the word." -- Bubba, final email to Nick, 2003-11-28

At Lynne's request, I had allowed her to use my car in exchange for $100/week rent (her suggested figure). When I tried to get it back, I was first met with repeated stalling and finally a flat claim that they were keeping it in exchange for debts I supposedly owed her and Bubba. This would seem to be a classic case of conversion, which is illegal.

Legal Documents - Phase 2 (civil)

Filed 2005-01-25

Received 2005-03-26

Defendants apparently also asked for an extension, which Plaintiffs were legally required to grant. I do not have the paperwork for this.

Received 2005-04-23

Filed/Sent 2005-05-09

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