From HypertWiki
Woozle is currently suing some former business associates, Willard Dale "Bubba" Griever, his wife Lynne, and their not-for-profit corporation The ReDistribution Alternative. Information placed here should not be considered definitive; for the final authority on this case, please see the actual legal documents on file at the Athens-Clarke County Courthouse. Please also read the Disclaimers and Intentions before making any use of the information presented here.
The case went to trial in March of 2007; we are currently awaiting a verdict.
Keywords: Willard Griever, Willard D. Griever, Lynne Griever, Lynne and Bubba
Latest - Opinions
- 2007-09-07 case review: my take on the whole thing, six months post-trial but pre-verdict
- 2007-03-06 thoughts on trial: Reactions to a couple of specific points that came up during the trial. More reactions later if I can get hold of a full transcript.
Other Stuff
- Disclaimers and Intentions: read this before making use of any case-related information on this site
- SvsG Timeline Synopsis
- SvsG Detailed Timeline
- Messages for Defendants
- Plaintiffs' Position Statement: a fairly detailed summary of the Plaintiff's position
- Legal Documents: court documents and so forth; the official record of the progress of this case
- Documents Available for Inspection: documents submitted by both parties as part of the discovery process
- Other Documents: everything else (with some overlap)
Related Links
- 2007-11-25 Second teen dies after crash: Bubba was involved in a fatal car accident, but only as a catalyst (underage driver recklessly passed him and lost control, then got creamed by a semi)
- 2006-04-26 One City, Two Worlds: Red & Black article on homelessness, with a section about the Grievers at the end. The "homeless village in Danielsville" was probably the Tipi Village, behind the Red House; the "tenants on the land" would be me.
- 1993-04-12 National Review article about child welfare - some Griever family history on pages 2 and 3 (page numbers possibly subject to change)
- reprint in the HighBeam Encyclopedia
- Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless
- N2UG: a Bubba web site (N2UG originally stood for "New 2 You Golf")