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Staddon vs. Griever: Accounting


"Accounts" are where there was a simple agreement to provide a service in exchange for a fee. Each one ended up with a net amount due from the Defendants to the Plaintiff.

The Xmas CD Project does not affect the debt situation between Plaintiffs and Defendants because it was an "on spec" investment of time and effort by all parties, in anticipation of profits from sales, with no guarantee that sales would exceed expenses. See Xmas CD Project for details.

Nick Notes

RDA Disputes

RDA disputes the following entries (as taken from notes on the printouts copied by the defense lawyer); my responses are below.


No known disputes as of this writing.


1. "Nick shows an 'emergency loan' on 9/27 and re-payment on 10/9 and adds both to the list of alleged debts. Instead of cancelling out the $350, it doubles it." In other words, the 10/9 repayment should be credited to Defendants. There is also a note next to the 10/9 "NS/BofD #958" entry saying "2 EL's for $350????", which I think is a reiteration of this same comment.
2. "We were not responsible for GCEH costs" next to 2000-01-24 "Hostway: GCEH hosting monthly" entry, and presumably applicable to all entries regarding GCEH.
3. "Paid him cash from Jeremy" next to 2000-11-13 $200 entry

RDA also requested that a $150.00 check to State Farm be credited, as it was "undoubtedly a 'Staddon' account. RDA, WDG/NLG did not use State Farm. This was either paid for Nick and he paid us back or us paying him back for a short term loan from him." I have added the entry as requested on the 2000 Accounting, pending a verification of the account number, so this is no longer in dispute.


4. "Button was Nick's cat!" next to 2001-03-10 Companion Animal Hospital entry
5. "dedicated server n/c to RDA" next to entries regarding Hostway hosting
6. "should have been a credit?" next to 2001-06-16 entry for $200.00 part 2 of total $600
7. "Nick shows 2 entries acknowledging repayment in the amount of $200 each (one on 6-16 and one on 10/10). He adds both to amount of debits when they should have been subtracted. Instead of balancing out each of the original alleged debits... it doubles each of them... creating an $800 discrepancy."
8. "Additionally, Nick shows a $400 loan for drums. It was actually $600 for drums and accessories and was paid back in cash."
9. "Why is he charging me if he was paying me?" next to 2001/10/19 entry (NS/BofD #1181)


There are some notes at the end of the 2002 listings, but it's not clear if there are any actual disputed items or just general questions.

I'm not sure if the extensive paperwork regarding the Xmas CD Project constitutes a request to credit those expenses to the accounting. My understanding is that that was an entirely separate project, with all profits to come from sales of the resulting CD, said sales to be managed by RDA. In other words, Plaintiff was not responsible for compensating any others in the project for expenses incurred.


Note at end of 2003 printout said it was confusing because colors were reversed for debits and credits. Hopefully this is clearer (no colors at all). No known dispute items as of this writing.

Nick Responds

1. "2 EL's for $350????": yes, these are 2 different checks, both from NS/BofD to WDG: NS/BofD #953 and NS/BofD #958. Both of these were checks from NS to Bubba, not repayments from Bubba; any repayment would be credited as a separate transaction.
2. "not responsible for GCEH costs": RDA was ultimately responsible for costs incurred on behalf of GCEH, as I had no contact with GCEH; everything I did for GCEH was at Lynne's request. GCEH was not a client of any of the Plaintiffs, nor were Defendants acting as sales agents in this matter. Any and all work done or services provided for GCEH were done at the request of and on behalf of the Defendants. I agreed to allow deferral of repayment for a short time, as RDA and GCEH were both involved in charitable endeavors, but I did not agree to cover GCEH's costs indefinitely. For what it's worth, I have, credited GCEH's payment to RDA's account (see 2000 Accounting), which should cancel out the charges.
3. "cash from Jeremy": I have entered a $200 cash repayment, date unknown, immediately underneath the $200 loan (NS/BofD #980). I had allowed for up to $500 in undocumented cash repayments at end of the 2003 accounting; I have subtracted this $200 (since it was undocumented but is now a line item), leaving room for $300 more in undocumented cash repayments. If Defendants think that this amount significantly understates the amount of undocumented cash paid to Plaintiff, Plaintiff will want some details for each transaction (when, how much, what for).
4. "Button was Nick's cat": This is incorrect.
  • Button was a descendant of "Mama Cat" (a.k.a. "Mama Kitty"), who was also a Griever cat (possibly as a grandmother via "Princess", another Griever cat -- i.e. "Pricess" was "Mama Cat"'s daughter, but I don't remember if Button came from Mama Cat or from Princess).
  • When Button and his littermates were born, I advised either finding other homes for them or taking them to L&B's house (1242 Hull Road). Bubba resisted the idea (he didn't want to give them away because he was fond of them, and he didn't want to take them to Hull Road because he was afraid they would come to harm while trying to get back to Red House). I relented, reluctantly agreeing that it was okay for them to stay at Red House as long as Lynne & Bubba took responsibility for them.
  • I also advised spaying Mama Cat if she was going to be outdoors at all and therefore an easy target for stray toms
  • The only cat I ever brought to Red House was Skeezix, who was neutered and therefore could not have been the father of any of the other cats
5. "dedicated server n/c to RDA" -- I'm guessing that "n/c" is short for "no charge", which would be incorrect. Red House began renting the dedicated server (at a cost of approx. $60/mo.) with the understanding that hosting RDA's site(s) on it would bring in some income to offset the cost, and that at the same time Red House could save RDA some money by charging less than RDA had been paying previously. This is reflected in the fact that hosting charges for redistribution.org went from $15.95/month at Hostway to $10/month on Red House's dedicated server, with more features and much more room for data storage than at Hostway.
6. "should have been a credit?" I don't see why; it's a check from me to Bubba. That makes it a credit to me, i.e. a debit to RDA. See NS/CS #1137 for the original check.
7. "2 entries acknowledging repayment ... they should have been subtracted." (One of these is the same item mentioned in #6 above.) These were both checks from NS/BofD to RDA: NS/CS #1137 and NS/CS #1178. That makes them credits to me, i.e. they add to RDA's debt.
8. "It was actually $600 for drums and accessories..." Loan was $700 total, according to notes I made at the time, in 2 parts ($300 and $400, circa 2001-05-12). For the first part, I seem to recall writing a check directly to the seller of the drumkit -- a college-age kid in a house next to a gorgeous lake out near Colbert -- or it may have been cash; either way, the charge should show up in the bank records (if I can find them), as I never took out more than $100 at a time in cash except for special purposes like this. The second part was NS/CS #1102. Repayment was apparently in cash, in two parts, probably some time between 5/12 and 5/19; I have a recollection of asking Bubba if he wanted a receipt and him declining, but in any case there doesn't seem to be any paperwork, and anyhow the whole incident is a zero-sum as far as the accounting goes because I have credited RDA for repaying everything they borrowed (i.e. $700) despite lack of evidence of any repayment.
9. "Why is he charging me if he was paying me?" Basic accounting. Anything I pay you either becomes money you owe to me or else (if you didn't owe me in the first place) reduces my debt to you. Either way, it goes in the "credit to Nick / debit to RDA" column, which is here labeled "Amount Borrowed".