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--Totals-- | 1997 .. 1998 .. 1999 .. 2000 .. 2001 .. 2002 .. 2003 .. Benz .. Storage .. 2004 .. 2005

Nick Notes

  • The final total does not include monies spent on merchandise; if the merchandise is not returned in full, then a figure will have to be calculated for that as well and added to the total.
  • Interest is 7.00%, compounded annually. Interest for each year is calculated from the previous year's ending balance. The ending balance for the year is the previous year's balance plus interest plus new activity.
  • For the sake of accounting simplicity, the Benz expenses are being counted as if they were incurred in 2004, although most of the activity was in 2002.
  • I am not counting transactions during 1997-1998, as there is some ambiguity about which debits were intended as donations and which were intended as loans. As a gesture of good will (not that they have earned it) and to help simplify the situation, I am forgiving any loans (including over $2000 in YMCA membership fees which were not intended as donations) made to the Defendants during this time.


Year or Item Previous Balance Interest New Activity Ending Balance
1999 $0.-- $0.-- -$1,933.39 -$1,933.39
2000 -$1,933.39 -$135.34 -$2,707.01 -$4,775.74
2001 -$4,775.74 -$334.30 -$2,026.96 -$7,137.00
2002 -$7,137.-- -$499.59 -$2,378.18 -$10,014.77
storage: 2003 Storage Losses -$10,014.77 -$1,438.00 -$11,452.77
2003 -$11,452.77 -$801.69 -$591.47 -$12,845.94
Benz rental -$12,845.94 -$13,321.04 -$26,166.98
2004 -$26,166.98 -$1,831.69 -$2,995.00 -$30,993.66
2005 -$30,993.66 -$2,169.56 -$5,997.35 -$39,160.57
2006 – no new activity -$39,160.57 -$2,741.24 $0.00 -$41,901.81
balance as of 2007-01-01 -$41,901.81 n/a -$41,901.81