2009/11/04/webmail to ValueOptions

From HypertWiki


I sent this message via the "member center" at ValueOptions, which has now inexplicably decided to let me send inquiries after all – as long as they are about specific items VO happens to have listed in the account data.

Unfortunately, the item I want to inquire about -- i.e. Josh's request for residential services -- is not listed*, so I more or less arbitrarily chose a specific "authorization", of which there are a handful, and at the bottom of the information page there was a "send inquiry" button, which I used.

(*They also don't seem to have listings for "corporate opacity" or "excessive assholism".)

The "send inquiry" button on the "Benefits" page (which is the most general context I can find that has such a button) still gives the message "The Inquiry Submission function is not available for this client. Please contact Customer Service."

Upon sending the message, I am thusly informed:

Your Inquiry Number is: 11042009-6882274-20000


This authorization is not what I am inquiring about, but I don't see the thing I want to inquire about listed anywhere -- and your site won't let me send a general inquiry.

Approximately two weeks ago, Josh's case manager sent in an application for Josh to receive Therapeutic Foster Care (Residential Level II). I found out from her just recently that you closed Josh's case due to some missing paperwork. I understand she has re-submitted the paperwork, and I wanted to make sure that you now have everything you need to process Josh's application.

Thank you.