1992/12/Woozle writes to KLS

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I think "THE HOUSE" refers to 2872 Danielsville Road, and "we're looking at another one" refers to the giant giveaway house (which we eventually sensibly decided we couldn't do).

--Woozle 08:05, 6 July 2010 (EDT)



Hey Karen!

Where to start?

MUSIC BIZ. Ok. Well. "Mother of God" consists of Dave-whose-last-name-I-can-never-remember-though-I-have-it-written-down-somewhere on drums, Dan on bass and vocals, Tim on guitar and vocals, and myself on keys and vocals. Dan, Tim, and I write songs. We've played 2 gigs at a place called Club Fred, which was recently sold to be converted into something else; we had actually just decided not to play there anymore because they didn't advertise the shows very well. The first show we opened for a group called "Mr. Right Now", and the second time for "The Fuzzy Sprouts". We are now scheduled to play January 14 at Hoyt St. North (which is taking over the biz of introducing new bands from Club Fred) opening for Magister Ludi and Out of the Fire (the latter produced by Peter Buck, I think, of REM. Peter Buck is all over the place. Dan talked to him the other week, getting advice re studio recording and click-tracks).

Dan has just purchased an 8-track analog reel deck (no, not the cartridge thingies from the 1970s...) and Tim owns a computer digital recording setup (I'm jealous but containing myself because the longer I wait to get one, the cheaper and better they will be). I may be purchasing a DAT deck for mastering and backup purposes. We're working on an album for release in the spring. Dan is also talking to people at a 64-track studio in town who may be willing to produce us on spec.

THE HOUSE. We're still not finished with all the interior details of this one and we're already looking at another one. (All that remains to be done is (1) the rest of the floor insulation (2) the door for the bathroom cabinet (3) 4 drawers for the kitchen cabinet, and some tidying of the design (4) trim around interior doorways & windows (5) one interior door and two sets of louvred doors for closets.)

Meanwhile, there's a huge Victorian house downtown which this real-estate guy is giving away to anyone who can move it. It's upward [of] 3000 sq. ft. with 12-ft and 9-ft ceilings on the lower & upper floor, respectively. It's more of a finiancial thing than I wanted to get into right now, seeing as we're still paying off the credit cards (and preparing to add more to that debt), but WE NEED THE SPACE. Also, I'd really like to stop taking up Mubbie's rent space and feeling like we owe her & have to be ultra-responsive to anything she needs done around the place ("The Burgess Estate" or "The Bat-Cave"). I don't mind helping out, but I really don't like having to do it on someone else's schedule (or feeling guilty otherwise).

1992dec25 11:24

Well, I had been intending to print this thing out and send it off days ago, but my hard disk (the large one at work) arrived back from the shop and I needed the printer back at work, and I haven't yet had the foresight to take this file into work so I can print it.

I should probably mention (especially in view of the postcard you sent) that I've been doing ad layout part-time for The Athens Observer, the weekly paper Livia works for (she started out as typist, I think I mentioned, and is now "Business Manager" i.e. the accounting department). Most of it is on Macs, but there are always logos and things which need to be waxed & stuck on.

1992dec27 13:17

I almost forgot to mention -- Livia and I found a copy of Birdie at the local Blockbuster video, and rented it forthwith. So now I've seen it.

I think we're about to head into work, so I'll finish this off now.

