Thread history

From Talk:Lavender Air Freshener
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Time User Activity Comment
14:26, 8 December 2012 Harena (talk | contribs) New thread created  
12:25, 22 June 2015 Harena (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to EO/Alcohol Ratio)
15:33, 9 November 2016 Harena (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to EO/Alcohol Ratio)

EO/Alcohol Ratio

Tried a full teaspoon of EO to 3 cups of Alcohol. Can't tell if it's the right amount of scenting because I've been inhaling too much of the stuff ;D

Harena14:26, 8 December 2012

I did that again today 'cause 1/2 teaspoon didn't seem like enough. (Must make a note in the recipe to look at Discussion)(W also needs figure out a way for the Discussion Tab to show that there's something that needs looking at)(W also also needs to figure out a way to earburn a user >.>)

Harena (talk)12:25, 22 June 2015

Same. (Also (re)read above parenthetical comment(s) to W and she says she's working on a Whole New Wiki!)

Harena (talk)15:33, 9 November 2016