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[[User:Woozle|Woozle]]: '''To-Do List'''
#redirect [[Woozle/to do]]
<center>"What a to-doooo!" -- Glimfeather, ''The Silver Chair''</center>
== Introduction ==
I keep my to-do list here in the wiki, for all to see, for the following reasons:
* <insert sad violin> so people can see how terribly I suffer under the yoke of overwork etc.
* So [[user:Harena|Harena]] can keep tabs on it, add stuff, etc.
* So others can offer suggestions, etc.
* Perhaps the public display of the list will encourage me not to abandon it, etc.
* etc.
== Harena Reminders ==
* (none at the moment)
== The List ==
# (VBZ Urgent, 4/?) Get email import thingy working.
# ($, 4/27) Continue working on Mayhall installation issue
# (me, 5/7) Back up this wiki. Really. Before something bad happens.
# (me, 5/11) Get SquadWiki back up.
# (VBZ, 4/14) Fix problem with Stock Log table -- restock items are having their Restock Item ID logged instead of the Restock ID.
# (VBZ, 3/?) Fix problem with [http://www.vbz.net/topics/1437/ catalog topics] (not showing anything) -- turns out to be same as this problem:
#* (VBZ, 3/20) Revise topic pages script to group items by type (had this working earlier; where did that go??)
# (VBZ, 3/?) Process scanned and photographed merchandise images
# (VBZ, 4/11) create new images for new ZR items
# (me/VBZ, 2003) Finish mail-importing-and-management thing (needed for RDA Dispute and for organizing VBZ customer emails)
# (Harena, 4/1) Lower H's monitor arm thingy
# (VBZ, 4/2) Modify shipping database so items "removed" from stock are still logged, destination Null (with comment)
# (Harena, 3/31) shelf for above Zander's desk
# (VBZ, 3/20) Move all discontinued MT cat#s to "Discontinued" section. Add redirects for all old MT catalog #s. Delete old pages.
# (Harena, 3/28) Need place to put documents/letters to be taken out of the office, preferably with flat spot on top for other stuff
# (Harena, 3/26) Write generic credit-card-account-closing letter
# (VBZ, 3/20) Finish entering Mountain catalog (children's, longsleeve, etc.)
# (VBZ, 3/20) Assign topics to new items
# (Harena, 3/22) email Mitsumi webmaster about missing driver for Rev M card-reader/floppy drive
# (VBZ, 3/?) Set up [http://happylifeproductions.com/ HappyLife] items in database
# (VBZ, 3/?) Grab [http://happylifeproductions.com/ HappyLife] images from web and process them
# (VBZ, 3/28) Research different companies listed in http://authorize.net/solutions/merchantsolutions/resellerdirectory/ and apply for processing (one of them? more?)
# (VBZ, ~3/1) migrate VBZ from shared hosting to dedicated server (hopefully before next billing cycle)
# (me, 3/?) Send Anna an email with Thoughts in it.
# (VBZ/me) Begin posting info on lawsuit, and discuss pros/cons of publishing more than just the public documents
# (VBZ) Desperately need mailing list sub/unsub web script so VBZ can have a mailing list with multiple categories
# (VBZ) put tags on loose inventory and put it in proper boxes
# (Harena, ~3/20) email Jackson's mom about possible playdate(s) for Benjamin
# (me) either get sound recording working on Linux, or move multitrack audio card over/back to Win98
# (me/VBZ) Set up regular backups for Camilla & Bunsen
''(this list is by no means complete)''
== In-Between Tasks ==
''tasks not requiring much thought, so they can be done while waiting for computers etc.''
# (Hypertwins 3/22) add more blockage to half-door so Benj can't unlock it
== On Hold ==
''items scheduled or awaiting resources that are currently unavailable''
# (Harena) Consolidate Verizon landlines on ringtones & caller ID (Verizon needs permission letter first so I can make changes)
# (VBZ 3/22 from neglected email of 3/18) Formally send in dispute of $60 chargeback (grr... sent it via email... but they want it faxed or something) -- need signed statement from Tene as proof
# (VBZ, 3/25) Email F1741, F1746, F2092, F2163, F2312, F2344, F2355, F2419, F2477, F2500: do they still want the stuff they ordered? -- need to import F1xxx order emails, which needs email importer thingy because I'm tired of importing folders piecemeal
== Low Priority ==
# (me) Add GA Dispute information to wiki
# (me) Revise Issuepedia to be more intuitive
# (me, 3/28) Create neighborhood wiki
# (me) Create tech wiki
# (VBZ) investigate state of mySQL on dedicated server
== Long-Term ==
# (general, 2004) bury internet cable down to pole
# (Harena, 2004) Finish backyard fence (before weather gets nice would be good)
# (Harena, 2003) Stairs down to lower backyard
# (Harena, 2001) Laundry room remodeling
## Build new sink base cabinet for laundry rm. (may need riser to accomodate plumbing)
## Have replacement sink base cabinet & sink ready for kitchen
## Remove cast-iron sink from kitchen & install it in new cabinet
## Install replacement sink base cabinet in kitchen
## Rip out old, rotten sink base cabinet from laundry room (may have to be done earlier, to make room)
## Rearrange washer/dryer against wall
# (Harena, 3/2005) Build wrap around benches & table for Breakfast Nook
## Move lower shelf on bathroom-side wall so it isn't at head-level
## Build benches (do we need a new table?)(yes, it would have to be a special narrow one; maybe one of the closet doors we got from Kathy)
# (VBZ, 2003) rewrite shopping cart software to use mySQL
# [[User:Woozle#Projects|Projects]]
== Done ==
# (me, 4/19; done-ish 5/6) Finish moving stuff off old 20GB HDs so they're available for "new" Win98 system (one HD has only extra copies of some email DBs; the other is now D: on Mokey, so if there's anything important...)
# (vbz, 4/28; done 5/5-ish) Enter Liquid Blue 2004 Winter catalog, as it seems to have been... not entered. o.O
# (me, 4/27; done 5/3-ish, as modified) find some sample images for Kitten to process. Upload them, with instructions. (Actually: found web site for Kitten to download images from. Gave instructions.)
# (vbz, 4/26; done 4/29) Process orders for SunDog shirts that came in, and any others for in-stock items.
# (me/VBZ, 4/24; done 4/28) Take notes on [[Staddon_vs._Griever|documents from Them]] in preparation for Thursday's phone call (Phone call moved to Tuesday as a result of notes, yay)
# (me, 4/25; done 4/26) Get Mokey set up with software to investigate FormTool issue for G. Mayhall
# (me, 4/19; done 4/25) Get Win98 workstation (Mokey, old Kittenmaschien) going
# (me, 4/22) fix old Kittenmaschien system board so it will boot without requiring alligator clips, and install in chassis.
# (VBZ, 4/8; hold until 4/13) submit MT restock order (2nd Day Air) (Did this, but can't remember exactly when. It's in the DB.)
# (me, off-list; done 4/20) Set up issuepedia.org wiki (all but a few details done, e.g. logo image and of course recreating content)
# (me, off-list; done 4/15) Set up Hypertwin Wiki to accomodate most urgent stuff from SquadWiki (mainly this to-do list)
# (VBZ, 4/13; cancelled 4/13) call ZR to confirm they got the order sent 4/11 -- never mind; got confirming email 4/13
# (Harena, 4/12; done 4/13) Update Perlman statement
# (Harena, off-list; done 4/13) Emailed Arc of NC back about calling
# (VBZ, 4/4; done 4/11) Place ZR order, if nothing more urgent has come along
# (Hypertwins, off-list; done 4/11) Mowed lawn
# (VBZ, 4/10; done 4/11) Rebuild [http://vbz.net/cat/zr/ ZR pages] (now need to do new images)
# (Hypertwins, 3/26 (revised); done 4/9) Put up whiteboard for use as Harena's to-do list
# (VBZ, 4/8; done 4/9) Send bill to LD's dad
# (VBZ, 4/7; done 4/9) ship in-stock order(s)
# (VBZ, 3/?; done 4/10) Enter new [http://zionrootswear.com Zion Rootswear] catalog
# (VBZ, 4/8; done 4/8) Checked for additional orders; put MT restock on hold until next Wednesday
# (Harena, escalated 4/7; done 4/7) Compose letter to send Verizon giving permission for me to make changes on her accounts
# (Harena, off-list; done 4/7) processed more Josh forms
# (me, 4/6; done 4/6) make [[Techniques|techwiki]] index (was [[Squad Techniques|techwiki]] on SquakWiki)
# (me, 4/6; done 4/6) move & re-link issuepedia (now encyclopinion) pages
# (me, 4/2; done 4/3) Wrote [[User:Woozle:Issuepedia:Gay_Marriage:OSC:Detailed_Analysis|analysis]] of first 3 sections of OSC article; had to postpone the rest because it was taking too long. (Note: this got deleted in the [[The_SquadWiki_Deletion_of_2005|Great SquadWiki Deletion of 2005]])
# (VBZ, subtask; done 4/2) unpack old problem orders which have been sitting around since the millennium
# (VBZ, 3/30; done 4/2) Create an "I spoke with the customer" document for Tene to examine and maybe sign
# (VBZ, 4/1; done 4/2) Ship SD order which arrived 4/1
# (VBZ, 3/29; done 3/30) ship LB order which arrived 3/29
# (Harena, 3/30; done 3/30) Sent email to Central Park School. Received phone call, making it unnecessary for me to call them.
# (Harena/general, off-list; done 3/30) bury internet cable where it crosses walkway
# (VBZ, 3/30; done 3/30) Place another order (probably SD)
# (Harena, off-list; done 3/29) chopped up fallen tree in back yard
# (Harena, 3/24; done 3/28) Fix scans of Arc forms so H can fill them out
# (Harena, off-list; done 3/28) fix scans of Josh Summer Camp forms for processing
# (Harena, off-list; done 3/28) scan Josh forms for summer camp
# (me, off-list; done 3/28) Revised Issuepedia [[User:Woozle:Issuepedia:GWB|GWB]] pages to be more intuitive; added [[User:Woozle:Issuepedia:Peace_Amendment|Peace Amendment]] issue
# (me, 3/27; done 3/28) send JERS invoice/receipt for repairs
# (me/VBZ, 3/27; done 3/27) repair stupid laptop
# (relatives, off-list emergency; 3/26-3/27) repair JERS's computer network & internet
# (relatives, 3/22; done 3/26) Send Harena's crocheted blanket to Jess, with picture.
# (family/Harena 2/?; done 3/25) Fix image of baby-blanket so H can print it and we can send blanket to Jess
# (Harena, 3/24; done 3/25) Email Melissa Bent @ The Arc
# (VBZ, 3/24; done 3/25) Ship Mountain shirts
# (Harena, 3/25; done 3/25) fix Bunsen's network problem (was dead onboard network hardware; added PCI net card)
# (VBZ, 3/25; done 3/25) place LB order (before noon)
# (VBZ, 3/24) process credit cards for MT order just arrived
# (Harena, off-list; done 3/24) letter revision, icky phone call, Josh IEP meeting
# (VBZ, 3/22; done 3/24) Belatedly process order with corrected credit card (forgot)
# (Harena, 3/23; done 3/24) lots of scanning (and a letter to Hope Valley)
# (VBZ - 3/20; done 3/22) ship that in-stock order that came in (another one also came in, but ccard was mis-typed... emailed customer)
# (Harena - 3/22; done 3/22) email [http://www.centralparkschoolforchildren.org/ Central Park School] to ask same questions as phone call, and be prepared to call again on 3/23 if no answer.
# (Harena - 3/22; done 3/22) Call [http://www.centralparkschoolforchildren.org/ Central Park School] to ask if possibly Benjamin can start early, since he's been accepted there and we've withdrawn him from Hope Valley (and also find out what's happening with the registration paperwork)
# (Harena - 3/22; done 3/22) Email [http://www.cognitive-therapy.com/ Peter Perlman] to cancel for Wednesday
==Links to Check Out Later==
*2005-05-10 [http://www.KDE-Apps.org/content/show.php?content=12365 Kexi] - another DB manager
*2005-05-10 [http://www.KDE-Apps.org/content/show.php?content=11844 GwenRename] - GUI-based renaming tool
*2005-05-07 [http://www.knoda.org/ Knoda]: reads MS Access files

Latest revision as of 01:28, 4 April 2009

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