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2001 Messages

2001 Overview

Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2001

19:17 from Bubba


This was apparently a forward from Bubba to Nick, just so Nick would have a copy, of an exchange between Bubba and a representative at The Art of Alexander Flores.

Jalisco is the name of Flores's home state in Mexico. "Tonal" may also be a reference to Tonalá, his home town.)


Message-ID: <01C176AE.EE532CE0spam@spambubba.athen1.ga.homespam.spamcom>
From: Bahb Haaji <bubba-2024-06-18-05:43-spam@redhousespam.com>
To: "'N.'" <nickspam@spamredhousespam.spamcom>
Subject: FW: I send all the information you request this afternoon.
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:17:00 -0500

From: Alexander Flores[SMTP:alexanderflores-2024-06-18-05:43-spam@satx.rrspam.com]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:08 PM
To: Bahb Haaji
Subject: RE: I send all the information you request this afternoon.

  1. - PS where did you saw this?
  2. - s/edicion maens without edition it means that is a unique piece there is not two of the same kind.
  3. - Unicos is the same thing "Unique"
  4. - The mosaics there is no one alike, a similar one could be custom made for a customers this means that the design in the colors and the theme are all different and yes we could meke some exactly like the four you have in case the customer wants it.
  5. - TC means Tonal Cubi the mix between cubism and the art at Tonala Jalisco.

Original Message-----
From: Bahb Haaji -2024-06-18-05:43-spam@redhousespam.com
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 2:06 PM
To: 'Alexander Flores'
Subject: RE: I send all the information you request this afternoon.

J., thanks and I'll look for the tracking info later.

We have a few ?'s.

  1. What does "(PS)" stand for?
  2. What does "s/edicion" mean?
  3. What does "unicos" mean?
  4. For "Mosaics", is the size given (7x7x3) the size of each piece? Are there 4 pieces exactly as shown in the picture, or are they each unique? (Is

this what is meant by "unicos"?) Are there always 4 pieces, or does the picture only show 4 pieces as a sample?

  1. What does "T.C." stand for?

And a request -- when you give us lists of what's in stock, it would be nice to know how many pieces are left in the edition -- e.g. if there's only one in stock, is that the _last_ one, or is it one of 99 left to be produced? Also it would be useful to know which pieces Flores has ready and which we can put in a second section of availability and a third being pieces that have yet to be made that will take the longest to receive if time is an issue with the customer.

Also, we need to resolve a discrepancy on the catalog sheet (where one or more columns were shifted down). The lines in ? are 53 - 58 on the list dated 8/23/01. At least a portion of the line appears to have shifted and we need to know how the whole line should look like.

