Instant Pot

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Brown Rice (a la Naomi)

This is the method S worked out for brown rice specifically; it suits us.

Ratio: 1 cup rice to 1 1/4 cup water (yes, really)

Dump your rice and water into the metal pot; it can be sitting inside the IP already

I know you plan on extra. I don’t know how much, but don’t ever fill the metal pot above the 2/3 mark if you’re going to bring it up to pressure. (That would be a LOT of rice, anyway.)

Put the lid on and lock it in place. Make sure the steam release switch is slid towards the back.

Push the pressure cook button so it turns on.

Ignore the rice button; set the timer for 20 minutes. Make sure the pressure is set to high.

It will start to come up to pressure and kind of make huffing and puffing noises. That’s fine! This takes a variable amount of time, but is not instant.

Then it will click and be at pressure; the timer will count down the 20 minutes.

It will make a series of beeps after 20 minutes. At this point you could manually release pressure; there are recipes that call for this, but I feel it’s best to avoid it unless a recipe requires it, because steam will come out in a huge rush and be a scalding hazard. Anyway, wait 10-20 minutes after the timer goes off, and try taking off the lid. If the pressure has released all the way naturally, then you’ll be able to remove the lid. Otherwise, wait a few more minutes and try again.

Stir the rice, and do rice things to it.

Benjamin's Numbers: 8 cups rice & 10 cups water

Steelcut Oats (a la Naomi)

1 cup Steelcut oats to 2 cups liquid; I usually just use water, but you can use other things too. I have used oat milk that we bought for an experiment, and that worked fine. For people who aren’t lactose intolerant, you can do 1 cup oats to 1 cup milk to 1 cup water; anything more than that will burn. As it is, it will stick a bit, but it washes out all right.

Anyway, dump in your oats and liquid, put the lid on, and lock it. Make sure the switch is slid to the back.

Turn on the pressure button and set timer for 7 minutes.

The whole coming up to pressure, cooking, and naturally releasing pressure takes 30-40 minutes, I don’t remember exactly. But I don’t have to stir!

For a single serving for myself, I use 1/3 cup of steelcut oats.

If you like raisins or whatever, you can throw them in to cook with the oats, if you like.

(This has not been tested yet but when it is, it'll probly be me & I'll be wanting raisins and cinnamon- H)