2007-01-05 Rebekah's response

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2007-01-04 open letter to Rebekah Wade . . 2007-01-05 Rebekah's response . . 2007-01-08 Woozle's response


  • Received in the mail 2007-01-08


Dear Nick –

You need a good liberal education (beyond what you've gotten from reading science fiction), a good psychiatrist and a good job. As you are, you are pathetic and an embarrassment, a case of a beautiful mind wasted. It's not too late to turn around. You are already middle-aged, but you still have people in your life who love you and are in a position to help you realize your potential. I urge you to cut your losses and rise up to accept that help while you can. My primary interest in your doing this can be expressed with one word: Anna.

Perhaps one day some legal way will present itself to me whereby I can extricate myself and my family from your – I'm not sure what to call it other than internet abuse. Meanwhile, I do not intend to enter into a dialogue with you. However, it is with utmost sincerity that I wish you the best,
